KIN 325: Anatomical Kinesiology
School: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UW-Milwaukee )
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 13Muscles, ligaments, and functions of lower leg, foot, and shoulder
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 3Overview of the functions of the wrist and the bones that comprise it.
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 3Brief overview of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 3Shoulder Girdle and it's movements, ligaments, nerves; brief overview
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 7Origins and insertions of lower leg and foot muscles along with their innervation and actions
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 3Description of the lower leg and the ligaments, tendons, and arteries associated
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 14Review of necessary bone features, muscle origin and insertion, and a categorized list of main actions done by muscles.
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 3An outline of the nerves and what they innervate as well and the beginning of the arteries of the lower extremities.
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 2Finalizing the last few concepts of the knee joint
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 3Description of the knee joint and its ligaments, joint capsules, and ligaments
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 3Overview of SI Joint: ligaments, muscles, common injuries
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 3Recaps on some of the pelvic structures and ligaments. Descriptions of joints and their connecting tissues
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 8Listed are the muscles of the hip and knee and their origin and insertion points.
From: GradeBuddy Pages: 6Lists bones in lower extremities and how to palpate some of the more prominent features on them. These are the bones that need to be studied for the exam.