1st Edition
JOUR 3745: Mass Media and Popular Culture
School: University of Minnesota- Twin Cities (U of M )
Pages: 2We talked about elements of advertising, characteristics, downsides and about commercials
Pages: 4Entertainment news, fascination with celebrities, differences with tabloids and journalism, differences between photo journalists and paparazzi
Pages: 2Sports and popular culture, heino model and fab five
Pages: 3Discussed comic books and super hero's, their representation in the media and different ages
Pages: 4We discussed different characteristics of the social problem genre, the disaster genre, and the dystopian game
Pages: 3Today we talked about the movie industry and the meanings behind some of the movies and the movie industry
Pages: 22All the notes taken from the first 10 lectures that will help prepare for the exam
Pages: 3We discussed the Music industry and its different rules and regulations
Pages: 2We discussed masculinity and stereotypes and different forms of masculinity
Pages: 4We talked about different forms of representation,feminism, the male gaze theory female pop star stereo types and many more
Pages: 4We talked about social representation and social identity, pop culture, stereotypes and their effects
Pages: 3We talked more about how violent content effects someones behavior.and other emotional effects. We also discussed research on media violence
Pages: 5We discussed the grammies and violence in the media. We also learned of the effects of media on our behavior, and beliefs.
Pages: 3Product Placement, advertising discussion and first amendment issues
Pages: 2Today we talked about and viewed many of the super bowl commercials and what they were trying to advertise. We then went on to discuss the audience, and how the audience can be used as a commodity or as a labor force.
Pages: 5The current lecture discussed the business of popular culture and how the majority of the world's media outlets are owned by a shrinking number of big media conglomerates
Pages: 3the first day of class we only discussed the syllabus so the notes are from today 1/26. Mass Media and popular culture are the main focus.