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    Today, we continued talking about the different cell organelles, such as the Golgi and mitochondria. In addition, we compared and contrasted eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Finally, we talked about viruses and how they attack the cells in our body.
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    We started on the new topic--the cell, which is covered in Chapter 6. Today, we went over some of the organelles, their locations in the cell and their important functions. The three organelles discussed today were the nucleus (and its various parts), endoplasmic reticulum and cytoskeleton.
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    We finished talking about the various different transport systems used to move molecules in and out of the cells. She didn’t say anything regarding the test on Monday, but it will take place from 5:45-7:45 and make sure you check to see where you’ll be taking it. The schedule is on elcNew.
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    Today, we finished up the Nutrition unit (not in the textbook) by talking about proteins. Additionally, we started the new unit (covered in Ch. 7) on cell membranes and the various types of transport through this selectively permeable membrane.
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    Today, we talked about one of my favorite topics, nutrition. It was interesting to hear about how the food pyramid has changed drastically over the years and how the definition of health has also altered significantly. We talked about various different types of carbohydrates and fats and discussed which ones are supposed to be healthy.
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    Today's lecture was extremely short (she let us out about 20 minutes early) so there wasn't a lot of notes given today. We talked about pH as it pertains to the biological world, especially as it pertains to the human body. Additionally, we talked about buffers, what they are and why they are extremely important in the body.
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    We discussed the importance of water in the biological world and especially to humans since more than 70% of our body consists of this precious compound. Additionally, we talked about pH and the pH scale. The importance of acids and bases was briefly discussed but will be talked about in more detail in Lecture 7.
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    We covered amino acids, which are organic compounds that form proteins. In addition, we talked about how various proteins assemble through dehydration/condensation reaction in which hydrogen is taken out of the two molecules combining. Finally, we talked about the different structures of proteins (primary, secondary, etc.)
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    Today, went over the structure of nucleic acids and what the differences between DNA and RNA are. In addition, we talked about lipids and the different subcategories within it. Also, we went over sterols (present in cholesterol) and proteins.
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    Today, we covered many topics regarding the building blocks of life, which include proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and starches. In addition, we talked about carbohydrates, which are essential molecules present in cell membranes and cell walls (plants).
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    We went over carbon and its importance in biology as an element which forms the backbone of proteins, lipids and sugars in the body. Additionally, we went over the major functional groups present in certain molecules that are crucial in the biological world. We also covered water, which makes up a large portion of the human body and which is crucial to the survival of almost all living things.
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    Today, we talked about the connection between biology and chemistry, defined important terms with regards to this topic and discussed the various types of molecular interactions.


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