PSYCH 110: Fundamentals of Learning
School: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA )
Pages: 3Cases in which operant conditioning techniques don't work or go awry are explained.
Pages: 3Outlined lecture notes. Descriptions of instrumental and operant conditioning as theorized by Thorndike and Skinner. Explanations of outcome contingencies with regard to behavior and learning.
Pages: 4Outlined Lecture Notes. Description of the Comparator Hypothesis and examples explaining the use and validity of this hypothesis in many Pavlovian Conditioning contexts.
Pages: 4Outlined lecture notes. Description of what makes for an effective CS and US as well as ways to formally model Pavlovian Conditioning.
Pages: 5Outlined lecture notes reviewing autoshaping, describing taste aversion, and defining Pavlovian control conditions and safety signals in test subjects.
Pages: 3Outlined lecture notes reviewing the standard pattern of affective dynamics, the opponent process theory of motivation, and describing classical conditioning including fear conditioning.
Pages: 3Outlined lecture notes describing the 9 properties of habituation, the 4 properties of sensitization, the dual process theory, and the affective dynamics pattern
Pages: 2Outlined lecture notes describing reflexes, modal action patterns, seemingly goal-oriented behavior, and habituation.
Pages: 5Outlined lecture notes to supplement lecture slides posted online-- completion of intro into key players and beginning of the classifications of the study of learning
Pages: 2Outlined Lecture Notes to supplement lecture slides posted online-- background on the key players in the study of learning
Pages: 5Outlined notes from lecture to supplement slides posted online.
Pages: 2Outlined notes from lecture to supplement slides posted online.