1st Edition
GEO 155: The Natural Environment
School: Syracuse University (SU )
Pages: 9This study guide answers all of the questions that were given in the outline from class. Look over the soil types that are on the Second Study Guide because they will be on the test too. Good Luck!
Pages: 5During lecture we watched a slideshow. These are all of the topics covered in Justin's review session today.
Pages: 3The same former TA taught this lecture as well. She passed out review sheets and gave a PowerPoint presentation on tectonism. We have one more lecture next Tuesday as well as a review session for the third exam next Tuesday.
Pages: 3During this lecture, one of Professor Bendix's former TAs came in, handed out course evaluations and taught us about volcanoes.
Pages: 3During this lecture, one of the teaching assistants, Justin Harnett, taught us about the structure of the earth through a PowerPoint demonstration.
Pages: 3During this lecture, we discussed the processes and forms of erosion and the effects of weathering. We drew illustrations to emphasize the various terms and concluded class with a slideshow of eroded slopes.
Pages: 2During this lecture, we dedicated half of the lecture to note-taking on the landforms of alpine glaciation and the other half spent viewing pictures of glaciers.
Pages: 3During the 21st lecture, we began discussing glaciers. We discussed their formation and movement, what happens during erosion and deposition, and land forms from continental glaciation.
Pages: 3During this lecture, we were taught about how rivers work to change landscape. We were taught the different manners that this occurs and what factors affect them. We drew pictures to demonstrate the various terms and concluded with a slideshow of pictures of rivers.
Pages: 5This lecture consisted of defining, drawing, and describing the various terms and conditions of hydrographs. We concluded the lecture with a slideshow depicting different hydrology aspects.
Pages: 3The 18th lecture begins with a discussion of hydrology, the water cycle, by talking about the aftermath of precipitation reaching the earth's surface, factors that influence infiltration and overland flow, and the drainage basin.
Pages: 7This study gude covers possible essay, short answer, and multiple choice questions from lectures 11-17 that will all be covered on this exam. Make sure to utilize this with the slides and worksheets from discussions. DON'T FORGET TO STUDY THE KEY TERMS ON THE SYLLABUS FOR EXAM 2.
Pages: 2This lecture began with a conclusion of the soil distribution, which was followed by the various types of soil orders. We went through transects again of the North American continent and the soil orders that correspond to the locations and the vegetation types. We concluded with a slideshow of photos of these various soil orders.
Pages: 2During this lecture, we went through the definition, characteristics, profile, and soil-forming factors of soil. We began by watching slide of photos from the last lecture's topic.
Pages: 3Dr. Bendix concluded the topic of the subtropical desert shrubland and then went into an elaborate recitation of the types of vegetation in various transects of North America.
Pages: 2During this lecture, we went over the general description of vegetation and environmental factors that vegetation.