PSY 223 1nd Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Exam 3 Outline of Current Lecture II Prosocial behavior a Altruism b Egotistic helping III Motives underlying helping behavior IV Telling the difference between egotistic and altruistic motives Current Lecture 11 3 Prosocial Behavior Helping Others Prosocial behavior voluntary behavior carried out to benefit another person it has to be on purpose Altruism the primary goal is to help another person even if there is a cost to self Egotistic helping a form of helping in which the primary goal is to increase own welfare Many different forms of helping behavior Rescuing men more likely than women Donating Assisting Volunteering Giving social support women more likely than men These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Motives Underlying Helping Evolutionary factors we are concerned about ourselves but we also want our genes to survive so more likely to help biological relatives than those who are not especially in risky situations and if they can reproduce Supports the following Kinship selection is the tendency to help genetic relatives strongest when biological stakes are particularly high Reciprocal altruism cooperation in groups helping others increases the chances you will be helped in return and survive Social exchange factors theory about human behavior that explains why we choose certain behaviors we want to maximize our rewards and minimize the costs If rewards great enough and costs low enough then we are willing to help Ought factors social norms norms in society that tell us what behaviors to engage in Reciprocity norms we help those who helped us Social Responsibility norm you help those who are less well off than you younger disabled and elderly Religious and ethical codes help other people who need your help Empathy the ability to put oneself in the shoes of another person and experience what they are experiencing Empathy altruism hypothesis when we feel empathy for someone we will attempt to help purely for altruistic reasons We could help due to empathetic concern We help for 2 egotistic reasons social rewards and experienced distress Telling the difference between egotistic and altruistic motives If easy to escape from a helping situation then people will escape rather than help those who stay are helping because of empathy o If egotistic motive helping should decline when escape from situation is easy o If altruistic movement help is given regardless of ease of escape
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