RELI 160D2 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Wallace D Muhammad II Louis Farrakhan III Europe A France and England IV Ottoman Empire A Sultan and Istanbul B Sulayman the Magnificent Outline of Current Lecture I Empire collapsed A WWI II Muslim gospel Current Lecture End of 19th century the empire collapsed The turks sided with the German in WWI Mustafa Kemal Attaturk Father of the Turks was a great general during WWI with a great reputation He was an atheist with no interest in the Qur an He just wanted to transform society and he did Made it a secular Islamic state He made it based on Swiss civil law Adopted the Gregorian calendar He stressed music agriculture and he built universities because he wanted people educated To show his disdain for the Sultan in the old empire moved the capital from Istanbul to Ankara sp When he took over 80 of Turks were illiterate Muslim gospel Comes from an Islamic scholar Tarif Khalidi Has a book called The Muslim Jesus Sayings and stories Largest collections of Jesus sayings in any non christian book The purpose was to show that Jesus was perceived by Islam with great reverence even though Muslims don t accept his divinity There are 303 examples of these sayings and stories They began in the 8th century and continued until the 18th century Tales of the Prophets Of all these prophets Jesus stands out for quantity and quality He says in a way they re trying to fill in places that people don t really know about Jesus He says people should understand that there s a relationship between Islam and Christianity that people don t understand And Mary is mentioned way more times in the Muslim Gospel than in the New Testament
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