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Comparative Religion RELI 160D2 Professor Robert A Burns Exam 3 Study Guide Islam Islam Vocabulary Hafiz Someone who memorizes the entire Quaran Ka ba Cube in center of Mecca Kiswah garment that goes over Ka ba Halal permitted or allowed A Wali A Sufi who has reached the highest possible spiritual level Hanif pre Islamic Arab monotheist prophets Kalam A word for theology in Muslim thought Eid al fitr The great feast at the end of Ramadan Ummah word that refers to the entire Muslim community Ulaman Scholar Hijra Muhammad s migration from Mecca to Meddena Imam A Muslim prayer leader Iman faith Taqlid Legal terminology for following one of the four teachings of the Islamic school Isnad chain of authorities transmitting hadith Jima four roots of Islamic law and the thirds root of Islamic law it means consensus Mulla A Muslim who are educated in Islamic theology Millet Non Muslim minority able to practice own beliefs Wohabi movement Orthodox or ultra conservative part of the Suni movement Fun Facts that are important Muhammad was illiterate Men can marry women of any religion but women can only marry Muslim men Men can have up to four wives as long as he treats them equally There are 114 Surrahs in the Karan The Shiet Muslims believe that Alli was the first successor of Muhammad Sunni s believe that Abu Bakr should take over after Muhammad died Shiites believe that someone related to Muhammad should take over after Muhammad died Sunni s are considered traditionalist People You Should Know Abu Bakr Muhammad s successor Khadija Muhammad s first wife Elijia Muhammad the father of Muslim Wallace Fard Muhammad father of Muslim Islam s beliefs about Jesus He is not divine He is the Masia Marry was his mother The Qur an The qur an is the central religious text of Islam which Muslims believe to be revelations from God It was revealed to the prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel The Qur an is believed to be the literal word of god Since the quran is the literal word of god no one is allowed to alter it The Qur an was organized by prophet muhammed There is 114 chapters called Surahs Each Surah is made up of many verses varying in length called ayahs The Qur an has been translated into many languages but only the Arabic version is considered authentic Prophet Muhammad would recite his revelations after he had them and a scribe would write them all down The Four Roots of Islamic Law Root 1 Qur an Root 2 Sunnah customes Root 3 Ijma consensus of the community Root 4 Oiyas analogical thinking Five Pillars of Islam Shanadan Witnessing There is no god but the one god and Muhammad is his prophet The First Pillar Accepted Qu ran The Second Pillar The Third Pillar Salat prayer five times facing Mecca Friday at noon is community prayer Facing Mecca is called Qiblah Zakat Almsgiving 2 4 of income to the widows and orphans Start of Ramadan Purified from greed from doing it Obligatory Don t expect anything in return The Fourth Pillar Sawn Fasting During Ramadan 30 days from dawn till sunset no sex eating drinking The Fifth Pillar Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca Required to do once in your life Circulate the Ka ba 7 times Throw stones at the devil White robes non stitched clothing Ihram pure states Touch the black stone

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