RELI 160D2 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I The Qur an A Suras II FIve pillars of islam III Islamic law IV Main Teachings Outline of Current Lecture I The Sha ah A Mohammad Almahdi II The Sunnis A The Hajj B Ka ba Current Lecture The Sha ah It represents 15 of the world Sha ah means party Party of Ali Cousin and son in law of the prophet They re different than the Sunni because they feel that a blood relative has to succeed the prophet Mohammad Almahdi the awaited one the guided one He ll established righteousness and peace on earth But then the antichrist will come and break up the peace and create chaos Then Jesus will get rid of the antichrist At different times in history certain groups felt that the Almahdi had arrived The Sunnis Traditionalists There s no ordained clergy The Hajj When they get there they circle seven times Go down corridor as if looking for water Ka ba Kiswah means cover the beautiful black cover You can still see the black stone under it though Which represents God s eternity Rejecting temptation by throwing stones When a Muslim dies He she should be buried as quickly as possible Cremation is not practice The body is cleaned by a person of the same sex The bodily orifices are plugged with cotton then wrapped in a shroud Turbans are most often associated with the Taliban in Afghanistan If it s white they re not a descendant of the prophet If it s black they claim that they are descendants Circumcision is required of men At 10 or 12 years old
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