UA RELI 160D2 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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RELI 160D2 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 9 14 Lecture 9 What are the two biggest groups of Anabaptists Mennonites and Amish Who was the founder of the Anglican Church King Henry VIII Why was Ann Boleyn s head cut off She was accused of sleeping around What helped Queen Elizabeth stabilize England The Book of Common Prayer What is a pope The head of a Catholic Church What are the two main things that Monks do Pray and work Lecture 10 What dominates Catholic thinking and why Trent because it gave deep answers to protestant reformers questions What was the goal of the four regulations To create unity What are the three things that led to the Vatican council 1 Biblical scholarship 2 Study and experience of other religions 3 Cultural changes In 1960 who decided that a change needed to be made and that the scriptures needed to be more relevant Pope John XXIII Lecture 11 How do Puritans feel about education They have a great attitude toward education and good literature What do Puritans think about card playing and gambling That it is a waste of time It is forbidden What are the three areas in need of purification The individual the church and the society How many denominations of Baptists are there within Puritanism and which is the largest 29 Southern Baptist Who is the founder of the Baptist Church John Smythe What do general Baptists believe regarding heaven Everyone is redeemed we ll all go to heaven True or false Baptist teachings say that once one is save one is always saved True How do Quakers feel about war They are completely opposed Lecture 12 Where did John Wesley attend school Oxford What are two things Methodists are against Gambling and alcohol What is the goal of Methodists To give a boost to the Anglican Church and to get people involved so that they can teach others What is the Doctrine of Assurance Salvation An inner conviction of being forgiven What do they believe regarding perfection Strive for it even though you will never reach it Only Jesus reached it When does final justification come And what does it depend on According to Methodists It comes at the end of life depending on how you have lived your Christian life True or false By the end of the 18th century the Methodist church was the largest True Lecture 13 How does baptism work for Mormons Baptism must be done by emersion True or false Mormons believe coffee warms the soul False They do not drink caffeine What do fundamentalists reject All biblical criticism the bible is flawless True or false All fundamentalists oppose dancing False Many are opposed to all kinds of dancing but some are okay with it What do the Evangelicals believe regarding the bible and heaven The bible tells us how to go to heaven not how the heavens go What are main line Christians 80 of the Christian world Roman Catholics Episcopalian Lutheran etc What do liberal Christians believe regarding human kindness They believe in the goodness of humans and that the need for humans to help each other is what holds Unitarians together Lecture 14 Describe the 114 Suras They are not chronological they are organized by length The first Sura has become a prayer it is really short It s about 4 5 the size of the Christian scriptures What is a Hafiz Someone who has memorized the Suras What are the five pillars of Islam Witnessing ritual prayer fasting Almsgiving and pilgrimage What is the term for informal prayer And the term for community prayer Informal prayer Dua Community prayer Juma When does Almsgiving usually take place Usually at the beginning of Ramadan but can be given at any time What are the four roots of Islamic law 1 Qur an 2 Sunnah 3 Ijma 4 Qiyas What does the Door of Ijtihad signify If the door is closed you re a strict traditionalist If you say it s open you re a modernist What are the two main teachings of Islam 1 There is but ONE God Not a trinity 2 There will be a last judgment Preach the joys of heaven and the sadness of hell

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