RELI 160D2 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 10 Lecture 1 Who are the three patriarchs Abraham Isaac Jacob What did the judges do Led attacks on Cannanites They re ware heroes during the 200 year occupation when they re fighting Who is the King who succeeded David What did he do What happened when he died Solomon He built the first temple in Moriah When he died the UK broke into two North South Lecture 2 What does Moses believe regarding God There is ONE God and he is a providential God involved in everything you say or do What is Yom Kippur Day of atonement being forgiven What does Hanukkah celebrate Rededication of the temple in 165 B C What does Kosher mean There s no limit on food that grows from the ground Rules deal with animals and fish Some say some fish make you sick shellfish and can t eat beasts of prey tiger lion rodents swine horses elephants primates or reptiles Jews can eat anything that has fins AND scales but all shellfish are forbidden shrimp lobster etc Kosher means pure or fit Has to be one stroke of the knife be nice while killing Lecture 3 What does Gehenna mean It s a symbol of hell Who are the Levites From the tribe of Levi but not related to Aaron so they weren t priests They basically take care of everything janitors musicians guards etc Explain what the synagogue is its history what is serves worship structure It s a place of prayer study Its history begins in the Bayblonian period when Jews were taken out of their country into Babylon and wanted a place to worship Men and women sit separately during worship Worship opens with shema with oneness of God Followed by reading of torah and followed by a sermon A rabbi is in charge Lecture 4 What are sadducees Wealthy jews Merchants etc They cooperate with the Romans it s just business but to the rest of the Jews it looks tratorish They accepted only the first 5 books of the bible They reject resurrection personal immortality and angels devils Explain the social position of women Hated women Literally thought women were useless lives nothing but machines for making babies First century a woman left her home with her face hidden by two veils hair covered covered from neck to top of feet Because a woman is property of her father until after marriage which then makes her property of her husband For inheritance rights they were always behind men sons Education was limited so women did domestic duties Until a girl was 12 and a half she must marry whoever her father chooses What does every marriage start with A betrothal How common was divorce Divorce was permitted but uncommon because it was expensive and the man would look like a failure It had a public stigma Lecture 5 What type of Judaism spawned from enlightenment Reform Being Jewish is not a race What is it They re a family of people within the Semitic world What is Deism Enlightenment religion Believe that God exists and created the universe but now has nothing to do with it That nothing is supernatural everything has to be tested Who are Sephardic Jews Orthodox in Spain Very strict Their language is a combination of hebrew and spanish There are about 1 million About 6 million in the united states today Explain Conservative Jews Include their founder what they re about what they believe in The founder was Zacharias Frankel It s the middle ground between reform orthodox but it is conservative They don t read the bible literally They praise the orthodox for maintaining traditions They admire the reform for stressing social justice Lecture 6 Aristotle thought the earth was Eternal Who is Moses Maimonides Jewish philosopher theologian Pharmacist and doctor Worked in Jerusalem and Egypt Who did Elizabeth Cougar Ross want to interview People in the Chicago hospital What are the five stages according to Elizabeth Cougar Ross 1 Denial 2 Anger 3 Bargaining for reprieve 4 Terrible depression 5 Acceptance but not resignation Lecture 7 What does genocide mean It means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy partly or completely a national ethnical racial or religious group such as killing members of the group causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group or forcefully transferring children of the group to another group Didn t even have this term until the Holocaust During the time of the Holocaust what did legalization consist of Segregation loss of legal rights and citizenship expropriation aryanization and public humiliation defamation Fill in the following blanks with occurrences that happened when Hitler unleashed genodice 1 1939 1944 2 1941 1943 3 1942 1945 1 Ghettoization begins Death by starvation disease 2 Mass murder on the Eastern Front 3 Extermination camps for the Final Solution Lecture 8 What do Mark Matthew Luke and John each symbolize Mark lion because it opens with preaching in the wilderness Matthew man Luke ox because it begins with sacrifice in the temple John eagle because it s a spiritual gospel that soars above everything you ve read What are the five principles of Christian Theology 1 Christianity is based on the belief of Jesus who is truly God and truly man and is the messiah who will usher in the final judgement Christ means the messiah 2 By following the moral principles of Jesus a person can live a fully human life 3 Jesus is seen as restoring the balance between humankind and God 4 Christians believe that this restoration of balance was accomplished by Jesus life death resurrection 5 Christians believe that Jesus will return at the end of history the second coming How many days and nights did Jesus fast and prye to prepare himself for ministry 40 days and 40 nights Jesus taught in parables which are what Fictitious stories that makes one basic point Lecture 9 What is the second parable The 11th hour workers It s harvest time at 5pm our time they all work for one hour Moral it s never too late to repent God will accept you even at the end What is the third parable The Good Samaritan Samaritan pulls man out of ditch pays for him to stay in an Inn Jesus asks Who is your neighbor The answer is everyone Who are the Apologists During the 2nd century There s 18 in all They re defending christianity Church fathers the great writers in the 3rd to the 6th centuries Syrians writing about christianity Nero starts
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