RELI 160D2 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Genocide II Hitler A Aryanize III Aryans IV WWII Outline of Current Lecture I Gospel II Christian Theology of History III The Public Life of Jesus Current Lecture Jesus is born in Bethlehem it s like southern Jerusalem was raised in Nazareth Galilee father Joseph was a carpenter as well as Jesus 27 book in New Testament Jesus life written in the Gospel where redemption has come through Jesus There s no physical description of Jesus 1st written gospel was Mark before 70 A D Gospel was preached until this time Matthew 70 90 A D Luke 70 90 A D All of those three have the same structure as Mark They re the Synoptics they stay together If you see one you see them all The outline is 10 37 43 John after 90 A D Symbols Mark lion because it opens with preaching in the wilderness Matthew man Luke ox because it begins with sacrifice in the temple John eagle because it s a spiritual gospel that soars above everything you ve read Christian Theology of History five principles 1 Christianity is based on the belief of Jesus who is truly God and truly man and is the messiah who will usher in the final judgement Christ means the messiah 2 By following the moral principles of Jesus a person can live a fully human life 3 Jesus is seen as restoring the balance between humankind and God 4 Christians believe that this restoration of balance was accomplished by Jesus life death resurrection 5 Christians believe that Jesus will return at the end of history the second coming The Public Life of Jesus 1 Baptized by John the baptist in the river Jordan when he was 30 years old 2 He went into the desert fasted and prayed for 40 days and 40 nights to prepare himself for his ministry 3 He was tempted by Satan 3 times Tempts him with telling him to turn these stones into bread Then he told Jesus to jump off a wall telling him angels will catch him Then he takes Jesus to a high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms if he would worship him That was the first time he was tempted by power 4 John the baptist is put to death is killed by son of Herod the Great Jesus decided to return North to Nazareth 5 Wedding feast in Canaan he turned water to wine 6 Anti Legalistic going against the law He was walking through a field of grain with his disciples they were picking grain on the sabbath which isn t acceptable on the sabbath Accused Jesus of allowing his people to break the sabbath He said Sabbath is made for man not man for the sabbath 7 Anti Legalistic going against the law Woman caught in adultery about to be stoned to death Jesus comes out at the scene says whoever is without sin throw the first stone But she was supposed to be put to death but he encouraged her to just stop committing adultery 8 Jesus taught in parables fictitious stories that make one basic point
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