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PSYC1101 Final Exam Material Thursday April 16 2015 2 55 PM Final Exam Study Guide designed for PSYC1101 with Professor Kathryn Frazier covering Chapters 14 16 Chapter 14 Social Psychology How we think in relation to other people How other people influence not only our thinking but our actions How we treat each other relate to each other Conformity Obedience Group Behavior Prejudice Attraction Aggression Altruism Conflict and peacemaking Social Thinking The study of how we interpret analyze remember and use information about the world and how that changes when we re in a group Attribution Theory Attribution a conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior or event Attribution Theory we explain others behavior with two types Situational Attribution factors outside the person doing the action such as peer pressure Ex Someone cuts you in line they must be late for class Dispositional Attribution factors of person s stable enduring traits personality ability emotions Ex Someone cuts you in line they re an asshole Emotional Effects of Attribution Someone cuts you off Situational let the person off the hook Dispositional angry behavioral reaction Errors in Attribution Self Serving Bias Tendency to view one s self favorably Think highly of ourselves I look good it was me I look bad it was the situation Fundamental Attribution Error Tendency to attribute other people s behavior to their dispositions and less likely to consider situational causes Tend to do the exact opposite as we do to ourselves People in collectivist cultures do not make the same kind of attributions Cultural Differences Final Exam Material Page 1 The behavior of others is attributed more to the situation Credit for successes is given more to others and situations Blame for failures is taken on oneself Attitudes Feelings ideas beliefs that guide how we react to and interact with people objects and events ABCs of attitudes Affect emotional reactions Behavior behavioral intentions Cognitive Changing Attitudes Persuasion act of changing someone s attitude Two primary ways Central Route Persuasion Relying on evidence logic Best when attitude is important to the person Peripheral Route Persuasion Appealing to fears desires associations go around the issue Best when attitude is unimportant to the person Attitudes affect behaviors when External influences are minimal The attitude is stable The attitude is specific to the behavior The attitude is easily recalled Behaviors can also affect attitudes Because of Cognitive Dissonance Any time our actions don t match up with our attitudes Behaving hypocritically don t like that Cognitive Dissonance Theory We often resolve dissonance by changing attitudes that fit our actions Can change their actions to fit their attitudes less common Ex Writing an essay for an hour only get 1 think well I wrote for an hour and only got a dollar the reason is I actually do agree with the policy group that got 50 validated it with the money and didn t change attitude Foot in the Door Phenomenon the tendency to be more likely to agree to a large request after agreeing to a small one Effect on attitudes we adjust our attitudes to our actions We like the people we agree to help dislike the people we agree to harm Ex Agree to buy more cookies after agreeing to buy a few Door in the Face Phenomenon tendency to agree to a smaller request after rejecting a larger request Ask for a huge favor at first then ask for a small request They shut you down once more motivated to fulfill your smaller request Social Influence Social situations have many ways of influencing our behavior attitudes beliefs and decisions Groups of 4 5 people Conformity A change in behavior or belief as a result of real or imagined group pressure Why do we conform Automatic Mimicry Some of our mimicry of other people is not by choice but automatic Contagious Yawning contagious arm folding hand wringing face rubbing Neurons fire in the same way seeing something as they do when you do it as Final Exam Material Page 2 Neurons fire in the same way seeing something as they do when you do it as well Adopting regional accents grammar and vocabulary Empathetic shifts in mood that fit the mood of people around us Adopting coping styles of parents or peers including violence yelling withdrawal Informational Social Influence Deliberate conscious choice to fit in Choose to conform because we believe other people s views are correct or their behavior is appropriate When Situation is ambiguous There is a crisis Task is very difficult Other people are or are thought to be experts Look for an expert Normative Social Influence Conformity because we want to be liked or thought of positively Can happen even in unambiguous situations Desire to be accepted fit in Leads to public compliance People act on group norms Solomon Asch s study Which comparison line looks the same as the standard line About one third of people will agree with obvious mistruths to go along with the group You are not firmly committed to one set of beliefs or style of your behavior The group is medium sized 4 5 and unanimous You admire or are attracted to the group The group tries to make you feel incompetent insecure and closely watched what you do or say will be noticed Your culture encourages respect for norms Obedience Pressure to obey Stanley Milgram Studied obedience to authority Motivated by the question why German citizens had participated in the Holocaust Hypothesis Americans would not comply with authority to such an extent Obedience Studies Learner confederate and teacher participant in learning task Authority figure experimenter in lab coat in the room with teacher Shocked for giving wrong answers Shocks were given of increasing voltage Responses of Learner 120 volts heart condition shouts that shocks are too painful 150 volts ask to stop 180 screams can t stand the pain 300 pounds on wall and demands to be let out 330 silence Prodding of experimenter Please continue The experiment requires you to continue Final Exam Material Page 3 The experiment requires you to continue It is absolutely essential that you continue teacher turns to experimenter asks if they should stop In original studies 65 obeyed fully shocked until XXX Variations with decreased obedience Low prestige setting 48 Touching learner 30 Experimenter on phone 21 Seeing others dissent 10 Seeing authority figures in conflict 0 two disagree Why Obedience to Authority Role of culture Perceived Expertise Need for

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