Memory Chapter 8 Modeling basis of observational learning Observe behavior of a model and repeat the behavior Bobo doll studies Memory Stores knowledge gained through learning experiences Influences behavior planning future respond to and reflect on past events Related to survival social relationships and sense of self How does information get into memory How is information maintained in memory How do we get information back out of memory The stages of memory theory Encoding Storage Retrieval memory proceeds through these steps in this specific order Atkinson and Shiffrin information processing model Sensory memory Short term memory Long term memory only if you intend to learn the short term memory Encoding Sensory Memory immediate and initial recording of sensory information requires no effort large storage capacity but can only story information briefly Short term memory limited storage capacity but it can hold onto information longer up to 30 seconds deliberately thinking about it Magic 7 can hold between 5 9 chunks of information Chunks organized unit of information digits letters or words Primary Effect more likely to reember words that come at the beginning of a series Rehearsed and retrieved from long term memory Recency effect more likely to remember words at the end of a series retrieved straight from short term memory Serial Position effect proportional recall of middle of list is the worst Semantic distinctiveness unique items in a series will stand out Constructive memory theory memory is a resonctruction process that is subject to a host of distortions fills in the gap or fits in the schema Effortful Processing strategies to help ourselves remember chunking Mnemonics Rehearsal making the information personally meaningful Spacing Effect we ratain information better when we rehearse over a longer period of time better strategy than memorizing over a very short period cramming for exams is not good Long term memory stores large amount of information and for a long time Implicit memories unconsciousness phobias classical conditioning procedural Explicit memories o Semantic memory meaning of words concepts facts o Episodic memory memory of events with time and place Contains all knowledge that we learned and are not using at a given time Encoding and LTM How to get information into long term memory Elaborative rehearsal vs Maintenance Mnemonics meaningful information is easier to encode and recall Storage once encoded must be stroed until needed stored in different places around brain Consolidation neural pathways become stronger memory trace o sleep and rehearsal o more frequent signals passed between neurons become sensitized to each other Reconsolidation stronger but sometimes distorted
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