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Chapter 12 Emotions Definitional Issues Basic Emotions and models Closer look fearfulness Socialization of conscience Definitional Issues Emotion o Behavioral or descriptive definition o Reaction pattern that includes a mix of bodily arousal expressive behaviors and conscious experience including thoughts and feelings p 460 o Expression of readiness to establish maintain or change ones relation to the environment on a matter of personal importance Questions o Where come from origin and triggers o Why have them function o What made of biology and beyond o How to modify therapy facial feedback o Relationship between feelings arousal and cognitions Basic Emotions and models 6 including happiness fear sadness anger surprise disgust pg 475 Universal facial language pg 473 Models pg 476 how feelings come to pass James Lange physiology feelings afterwards o Sorry because you cry angry because you strike fearful because you run Cannon Bard physiology and feeling Schachter Singer cognitive appraisal arousal fuels emotion cognition channels it TBF triangle Thoughts I m doomed behaviors racing heart feelings anxiety Closer look fearfulness Difference between anxiety what may happen and fear what is happening Adaptive vs Debilitative p 466 o what if is not a bad thing o too much stress decreases performance Consequences of diminished fear response The Mask of Sanity Hervey Cleckley The psychopath maintains superficial appearance of normal health despite a core impairment in the ability to appreciate the emotional aspects of everyday experience the surface of the psychopath shows up as equal to or better than normal and gives no hint at all of a disorder within The psychopath wears a mask of robust mental health Low fearfulness model Lykken 1995 Low fearfulness emotional under reactivity Callous and unemotional traits severe and stable conduct problems lifelong severe adult anti social behavior Child psychopathy the study of developmental precursors to adult psychopathic behavior Conduct disorder severe insulation of the rights of others can be onset during childhood It is separated into callous unemotional and non callous unemotional Callous Unemotional traits Unconcerned about feelings of others Does not feel bad or guilty Emotions are shallow and not genuine Does not show feelings or emotions Charming in ways that seem insincere Measured using published ratings scale and structured interview techniques e g the Antisocial Process Screening Device Limited prosocial emotions new name for conduct disorder Unique correlates Low anxiety Slower engagement of fearful and distressing pictures words High thrill and adventure seeking to compensate for reduced arousal More severe and persistent antisocial behavior Low cortisol production Socialization of conscience Callous unemotional traits Conscience awareness of moral or ethical aspects to one s conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong Kochanska 1909 and the development of conscience o 2 key processes emotional or affective process behavioral control or executive activity Over reactivity and parenting style o Temperament conscious and parenting come together o Under reactivity and attachment quality

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