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Study Guide for Phycology Exam 1 Label Describe the Parts of the Brain There are a huge number of neurons neurons and myelinated axons The cerebellum is the complex part of the brain It is very consistent in its structure it is involved in motor control it contains half of the brain cells in the brain these cells are very compact Brain is the center of regulation for control of bodily activities It receives and intercepts sensory impulses and transmits information to the muscles and orange of the body It also is where consciousness thought emotion and memory are held Gap Between Attitude Belief in Regards to Racism a subject is asked to sit down in a waiting area there is two other actors in the room There is a Black and a White actor The Black actor says that he forgot his cell phone He gets up and accidentally bumps the white actor The actors then carry out a possibility of three di erent scenes a is the control nothing will happen b the white actor then says a medium slur typical I hate when black people do that or c the extreme slur where the white actor will say that clumsy N word The subject is then called into a room and asked questions a large amount more then one would think chose the white actor to work in a group activity with But when people were just asked what they do in the reaction many more people said they would have NOT worked with the racist white subject This shows a disparity in how believe they will be have or want to behave and how they would actually act Broken Window E ect Political Scientist James Wilson and a criminologist George Killing came up with idea that the reason why crime in NYC was so rampant was because the streets were in disrepair there were a lot of broken windows Their theory was that because when the streets look messy and uncared for it give people the sense that rules are o in that environment and they are more likely to commit crimes The slogan became stop petty crime to stop major crime There was a test done where the same environment with NO gra ti and gra ti was tested When there was gra ti 69 of the subjects through the ier placed on their bikes on the ground When there was NOT gra ti only 33 littered When people observe other people breaking a social norm do they too break the social norm That was the question that was posed in the broken window experiment Independent Variable was the environment the Dependent Variable was the number of people that littered Trust Games In a trust game the will be two players The goal of the game is that the two of them are going to split the money One person gets to say how the money will be split proposer and the second person either a agrees and they get the money split the way the rst person suggest or b they decline and neither of them get the money they are the responder A ideal or modal o er would be 50 20 of the o ers were less than 50 and those o ers had a 50 chance of being rejected The proposer would then get shocked regardless of they have a low or modal o er The empathy part of the brain was tested after the shock In the experiment men showed less empathy than women did Both men and women felt empathy when the proposer was shocked and gave a modal o er but the number of men who felt empathy for a proposer who gave a bad o er was much lower than women it was actually negative This suggest that women are more epithetic beings The Brain How it is Studied Lesions vs Imaging Brain Lesions are damages to the tissue of the brain This can occur from stroke when blood ow is disrupted hypoxia which the lack of oxygen to the brain tumors which are abnormal growth in cells degenerative disorders Alzheimer s Huntington s Parkinson s Korsako s ext or epilepsy resection The bene t to studying the brain from lesions is that is very much cause and e ect You can see the damaged area of the brain and record the changes in the patient This helps psychologist learn which sections of the brain e ect and control motor function personality memory and ext The downsides are that the damage to the brain is often extensive and their is no way to regulate it Every injury and every person to somewhat extent will react and behave di erently with each injury it again is hard to control subject to subject Also nearby areas can also be e ected which makes it di cult to know if more than one section of the brain is creative this change and when one is only studying damaged brains it o ers a limited view to normal brain functions Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS it disrupts the neural function in certain areas of the brain by generating magnetic elds the bene ts are that this is noninvasive procedure and it can directly e ect critical regions of the brain the downsides are that a subject and get a mild headache and the magnetic led can only penetrate 2cm below the scalp limiting the testing of parts the brain Imaging there are two forms or recording structure and function structure only images the anatomy of the brain These are done by CTs MRIs and angiography function investigates the brain during cognitive processing This is done through PET Scans fMRI s an MRI takes advantage of the magnetic properties molecules It focuses on the hemoglobin the brain which becomes deoxygenated when oxygen is absorbed When their is an increase in blood ow to a region it is activated When oxygen is being used up their is a reaction This is because it shows that that region is stimulated in needs oxygen to complete a process fMRI measures the ratio or oxygenated blood to deoxygenated blood its bene ts is that it is non invasive it widely available and can access many di erent its downsides is that it expensive it has poor temporal resolution and it is correlational cognitive task correlational when two or more things tend to occur at the same time and are related to each other but aren t necessarily connected by a cause e ect relationship casual or causation this can only be de ned in a experiment independent variables what you vary throughout the study to get di erent results it is clear that speci c action caused the second event to occur dependent variables what you measure what is the outcome experimental study in this type of study the variables are NOT manipulated but only measured It looks at data to nd relationships correlational study would introduce new circumstances and observe the reactions of the participants Phineas Gage worked on a rail road and iron rod shot into face It penetrated his eye and went through to …

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