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8 26 15 AMH2010 Lecture Notes The Indians Old World 30 000 BCE 1491 CE 1 2 Introduction Christopher Columbus and other explorers did not discover the Americas The Americas were already discovered but already populated by the Natives thousands millions and ten millions The Natives were all different and spoke different languages different tribes and colonies These groups had created a complex society They altered the landscape they traded with each other and they even went to war with each other Remember the Indians Old World was not a static place to live It was dynamic and the people and landscape were constantly changing Initial Settlement 20 000 BCE 10 000 BCE A Ice Age 110 000 to 11 000 BCE archeologists speculated that the 1 st Americans arrived in North America towards the end of the last ice age around 10 000 11 000 1 Beringia the region that included the land bridge between Siberia Russia and Alaska This will become the main passageway that people would migrate to the Americas including animals like mammoths bears beavers etc B Clovis Culture 11 000 BCE is a prehistoric Paleo Indian culture named after distinct stone tools made up of spears They followed the megafaunas when the migrated after the ice age Clovis culture abruptly disappeared around 12 000 13 000 years ago 1 Clovis Points 2 Megafauna Are stone tools made up as spears and arrows Are widespread from Canada and throughout the America Are simply large or giant animals Clovis Culture followed and overhunted them after the Ice Age C Climate and the End of the Ice Age The climate change and people believed that Indians during the time disappeared because of the rising sea level from the last Ice Age About 12 000 the climate began to change The climate is diversifying and the ice sheets are melting meaning there is more land and room for farming 3 Diverse Groups and Culture 10 000 BCE 1491 CE The people that migrate would now populate the land Technology would become more sophisticated as humans turn to a wider variety of prohibited subsistence New cultures are going to develop trade develops Economics and social networks becomes complex to explore The spread of seeds all over every lands including across the seas These seeds were called maize which is corn Corn was the 1st form of agriculture With agriculture people would populate A Teotihuac n the Valley of Mexico 100 BCE city begin to grow in 100 BCE and peaks to a population of 200 000 people People would work together in an organized civilization Mastery of architects mathematics politics writing and craftsmanship 2 Pyramid of the Sun B Mississippian Period culture of Natives build a civilization that flourishes in the Midwest Eastern and Southeastern U S from 700 to 1600 CE Agriculture consisted of corn squash and beans aka The Three Sisters They were socially stratified organized as Chiefdoms They also built mounds for ceremonial purposes The largest city was Cahokia 1 Cahokia 600 1300 BCE next to St Louis Was known as the largest city than many European cities at the time Population grew about 40 000 people The population declined around 1200 BCE because of overpopulation would cause the people to move further out to gather their resources Woodhenges at Cahokia a circular wooden posts at Cahokia Mounds where the people would listen sing and dance to their God Monk Mounds at Cahokia was the largest pyramid mound in the U S It is believed to be about 100ft high There were approx 120 mounds in Cahokia 4 Native Peoples at Contact 1491 1600 CE A Population was 2 to 18 million people no way to tell because of there were no records B Environment no way some manorial wilderness untouched by humans 1 Giovanna da Verrazzano 1485 1528 was sent by King Francis I of France to explore the East Coast of North America North Carolina He eventually discovered the New York Harbor in 1524 After returning to Europe Verrazzano made two more trips to the Americas On his second voyage in 1528 he was killed and eaten by the Natives 2 Other Accounts Land fields were found and ancient corn fields Other settlers and explorer would found different things and would know that there are people who have already been in the Americas We were let out of class a few minutes early Next class session we will talk about the European Old World 5 Conclusion Key Terms Land Bridge a connection between two landmasses in this case after last Ice Age Siberia Russia and Alaska would the land bridge Mammoth was considered to be a megafauna that Natives hunted Mastodons was considered to be a megafauna that Natives hunted Valley of Mexico Teotihuac n city that grows from 100 BCE and peaks to over 200 000 people Woodhenges wooden circular posts for religious or rituals Mounds were built for ceremonial purposes Monk s Mound was at Cahokia in the shape of a pyramid near present day St Louis Corn was the 1st agriculture crop Socially Stratified a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy Some groups have greater status power and wealth than other groups Chiefdoms are intermediate forms of societies between tribal and larger societies They tend to consist of centralized economic and political systems The Three Sisters corn squash and beans 8 31 15 1 Introduction The Settlement of Jamestown Colony Jamestown Settlement begins in earnest after 1600 England is relatively poor England focuses on building navy after they beat Spain in order to rival Spain Used Joint Stock Companies to fund Colonization 2 Joint Stock Company A Jamestown Geared toward settlement proceeds from the sale of stock would pay for ships supplies The Joint Stock Company was the forerunner of the modern corporation Stock was sold to high net worth investors who provided capital and had limited risk and to hire individuals to oversee settlement As a result the risk was larger as the colony might fail The start up costs were enormous and the returns might take years 1st major one was the Virginia Company Chartered in 1606 Make profit Wanted to have profit like Spain influence of Catholic Spain in Protestant Spread Christianity 1st successful colony was Jamestown in 1607 English Jamestown Settlement built a fort for protection at a place where goods can be shipped through 1 Environmental Problems problems with water in the area Like flooding No good water Prone to diseases 2 Human Resource Problems Hunting Farming Fishing When people arrived from England 2 3 of the settlers were dead or wouldn t survive 3 Captain John

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