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Trade Ex Arrowheads show movement of early peoples o Money sophisticated economic values Final Review Tuesday April 30 2013 4 08 PM Immigration Mobility o Adaptability Wompem Diversity o Housing types o Many different N A languages Very complex Very important for diversity identity The English Arrive in late 17th century 1 Mobile Cross Atlantic a Tiny supply ships b By 1750 occupied 8 territories 2 Adaptable 3 Diversity a Sugar refineries tobacco farms a Religion i b Other i ii Protestants and Catholics Differing class social statuses Different regions of origin Colonial Era Begins England s Main Colonies Jamestown Virginia Plymouth Colony o o o Massachusetts Bay Colony Why did the English come Europeans encountered the aftermath of an epidemic that swept most of North America The stumbled upon a relatively empty landscape sparsely populated by natives o Pushes internal domestic i 1550 1600 Population boom causing 1 Population growing faster than well being 2 3 Reduction in real wages stuff s more expensive salary worth less Inflation ii Economic Change 1 Monarch allows Enclosure Acts a Transform agricultural land to pastoral lands for sheep i WHY Money monarch wants liquid money wool from sheep will provide it Effects Drove large numbers of peasants from land ii 1 Cotters peasants who carried bedding with them iii Religious Conflict 1 Protestant Reformation 16th through 17th century England Puritans referring to extreme religious reformers a b People look elsewhere for places of worship Consequences of Pushes Social Problems 1 2 3 Crime Vagrancy idleness which was illegal Revolt iv v b Pulls 2 Pulls Security Economic Problems 1 2 3 Types of colonies 1 Outpost a Sustenance for privateers 2 Extractive Colony a Gather valuable raw materials i National Security Spain is dominant power 1 How to solve Get more money a Results in privateering state sponsored piracy 2 First pull support bases for privateering a Results in formation of colonies ii Economic Problems 1 Need new markets for English goods especially wool a Old markets at Antwerp were flooded with goods market collapsed 2 Search for new markets leads to interest in Northwest Passage a Because the Dutch had control of eastern harbors to East Indies b Didn t exist at the time dumb idea c Martin Frobisher i 3 voyages searching for NW Passage a Sustain itself through large scale colonial settlement 3 Settlement Virginia starts as an extractive colony o Business Enterprise Horribly unsuccessful Jamestown o 1607 1624 Massive population loss of early colonists Sending people who aren t equipped to survive to find commodities Goldsmiths Jewelers etc Lack of farmers carpenters laborers etc cause of failure o 1618 Virginia Company Reforms Move from extractive company to settlement colony Give settlers land Rent land to those who can t afford Tax colonist s produce off of land o Powhattan Rebellion English pigs eat Indian food Indians kill pigs English kill Indians Indians rebel Consequences 1 3 English pop Die English livestock die Ethnic cleansing of Indians justified o Virginia Company goes bankrupt Virginia becomes a royal colony Only survives because of tobacco Expectations Reality o Valuable stuff lots of Indian labor o No stuff no Indian labor Consequences Famine and no profit Leaders 1 Captain John Smith Governor of Virginia Colony a Soldier of fortune b Captured and sold into slavery escaped c Goes to America 2 John Winthrope Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony a Nice family b Attended Cambridge c Prominent Attorney d London government worker e Adopted Calvinist Protestantism MBC vs Virginia Colony Motives o Virginians Profit o MBC Piety Occupants o Virginia Male Young Poor Ill equipped o MBC Families Provided labor Able to reproduce People suited to build Production o Massachusetts Diversity Rum Trade sugars molasses Fur fish Rye candles o Virginia Only one primary export Tobacco Families are crucial element of production Work Indentured Servitude People have an indenture contract New World indentured servants are different than old world o American servants are poor older males who are treated severely for 4 8 years o American servants cost money in England they re free 1 2 of ALL European immigrants came as indentured servants They all go to Virginia Massachusetts Families produce Virginia o o o Slaves Why do slaves become prevalent in Virginia o Economics Labor costs rise Servants and slaves produce society with slaves to SOCIETY OF SLAVES English living conditions improve less willing indentures prices go up Rising costs of living in colonies cost of good land has risen Changes in distribution of wealth By 1700 fewer plantation owners with more money Initial cost of slaves is very very high Rise of small class of rich who can purchase slaves Slaves reproduce helping the already rich Trans Atlantic Slave Trade changes 1698 RAC monopoly ends privatizations flourishes Summary Virginian Transformation to Slave Society o Dramatic Labor Cost Increase o Greater Wealth Concentrations o Better Access to Slave Trade Markets Spanish Colony vs MA and VA Religion o MA VA Protestant o Florida Catholic Population 1710 o MA 60 000 o VA 50 000 o Florida 5 000 Economy o MA Diverse agricultural and mercantile o VA Plantation agriculture o FL Livestock and modest agriculture Settlement o MA Towns o VA Plantations o FL Catholic Missions Spanish Missions Populations Friars Soldiers o o o Artisans and MERCHANTS o Local Appalachee Indians Timucua Indians Begin to settle around Spanish missions Epidemics o Kill off many Indians Measles kills thousands in 1659 War o Entangles Timucua in European conflicts Due to proximity to missions Carolina Colony o Slave Economy Produced food traded for European goods Leads to Cycle of Dependence Indians dependent on European goods can t survive without them Timucua Indians Self Manumitted slaves run to Florida North Carolinians armed Indians as bounty hunters To retrieve lost property Leads to Timucua being captured and enslaved English soldiers and Indian allies o Attack Spanish and Native settlements in N Florida 1763 Treaty of Paris o Spanish cedes Florida to Great Britain 59 Timucua sent to Cuba Part 2 The Origins of the U S From Colonies to Nation 1754 1865 Early America A Dangerous Neighborhood o Mid 1700s France controls much more of North America than Britain French Catholic and Britain anti Catholic are enemies Western Pennsylvania sliced by French territory New York Natives play off antagonism

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