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AMH Part 2 11 08 2011 The origins of the United States From Colonies to nation 1754 1865 1865 end of civil war 1754 French and Indian war Theme the accidental beginning of the united states What is the United States Who relocated the Timucua And Why o French and Indian war or the Seven Years War 1754 1763 o Washington s first military experience was the first battle of this war lost very badly o Combatants American colonists great Britain and their native American allies battle France Spain and their native American allies for control of north America o French controlled mid west while Britain controlled the east coast after the war all is controlled by Britain o Consequences Everything east of Mississippi river and most of Canada was This is why the Timucua had to leave because France made a owned by Britain deal Who won the war Britain did Colonists won the war only in the sense that they are a part of Britain because they benefit from the territories gained Indians Most native groups didn t fair as badly as the Timucua the Indians are still there o What are the consequences of the war for the surviving Native Americans The Iroquois Confederacy Between empires What did this do for the Iroquois Could get goods from both French and English merchants so this means they had some price control This meant they could also arm themselves more effectively traded and said that if French wouldn t give them better weapons they ll go trade with Britain instead Strong bargaining position leverage 1 Control the Northeast fur trade 2 Control movement of goods between English and French colonies 3 Leverage favorable military trade terms by playing French and British off against each other What does the French and Indian war mean for Iroquois power How does this shift reshape Iroquois power Does it make them more or less powerful Think of small countries during the cold war They are able to leverage their position because of where they are located between those two entities Do Iroquois win the war No they did not they fought for both sides after they war they had no two people to trade with and control prices etc now they are surrounded by the British so they cant do that anymore not the only tribe to do that British knew this cant play these powers off each other anymore No Indian tribe won the war British What cost victory 1 Vast new territory to govern 2 Enemy combatants now Britons many Indian groups had allied with France thousands of Quebequois 3 Decades of hostility between English colonists and these former French subjects Threat of Civil war A real possibility 4 Financial problems cost of global war combined with cost of administering vast new territory borrow money to pay for wars major debt Now have to control enormous land and has this huge debt to deal with too First sign of trouble Pontiac s Rebellion 1763 A lot of people nervous about living as English subjects so these people ban together and attack the British Attack 9 of the 12 newly gained forts shows British this huge new territory this will be hard to control seized many of them Intervention Massachusetts and Virginia like two countries What happened to these two countries during the French and Indian war First political cartoon 1754 snake cut into 8 pieces created by Ben Franklin 8 colonies that why 8 pieces says join or die S C N C V M P N J N Y N E war started in 55 and Franklin thought that only way they could win was if the colonies and the British joined Can the colonies continue to live as separate together unrelated entities A shared security threat means Dangers coming from the west territories occupied by the French and Indians likely to be the origin of their demise 1765 for the first time the British colonists of north America begin thinking of themselves as a distinct unified geopolitical entity Are we now only Virginians and Massachuttans Are we now only subjects of the king of England Summary what does the war do to the colonies Forced sense of unity and common identity o Think about Europe now did this make the United States o came together because they had a common enemy 1765 Britain acts to bring peace to north America How Tax the colonies Britain has to find a way to calm things down The Stamp tax kind of like sales tax if you are in colonies and you purchase anything made of paper it must have a gov stamp on it which means you paid the tax No taxation without representation Consequences 1 Convening of the continental congress at Philadelphia vote on things together all the colonies send members important because they have come together to act as one entity some send more delegates than others 2 Repeal of the stamp tax 3 British government faces new problems in America not only does it have to kep the peace among all the new and diverse subjects of the british crown native peoples Frenchmen catholic Englishmen protestants now must pay to kkep the peace between these new territories they gained and now even their own people can governments ignore such questions o Colonists rejection of the stamp tax and subsequent taxes signed in part to pay for a victory in war real a serious problem in British government o Britain chooses not to o The declaration of independence signed Who won the French and Indian war Did the colonists win Did the war get them a new independent country called the united states Americans won made them join together Who wrote the declaration A Virginian Thomas Jefferson Who persuaded the contienental congress ot take up the issue of independence John Adams of Massachusetts What of our earlier story about the vast differences between these two now former colonies Are mass and Virginia still as different as two different countries America s first constitution The articles of confederation ratified in 1777 Are these still British colonies on mainland north First time these came together to write something like this make them one common entity America south of Canada Is there a single entity know as the united states governed by a supreme central governing entity Article 3 a league of friendship describes a defense alliance only think that links these very diverse colonies French and Indian War Who won o Timucua losers 11 08 2011 o Other natives Iroquois a disaster a loser Enjoyed a geopolitical advantage between French and british so they pited them against each other lose this after the war o France losers Lost all of their territories onto them Gained a lot of new land o Britain won all

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