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INR2002 Exam 2 Study Guide Chapter 5 Puzzle Problem Most states have an interest in preventing and punishing aggression yet international community generally fails to do so because of collective action problem everyone looking for benefits 1 2 3 4 When do alliances form a When states have common interests that lead them to cooperate militarily When are alliances successful a When they have a strong interest in coming to one another s aid in the event b When they specify how their members will come to each other s assistance c When they are able to signal this interest to the opponent in a credible of war manner How do collective security organizations form a Around a common interest peace b Primary role facilitate collective action within the international community so that states can respond effectively to prevent or stop the outbreak of violence whenever or wherever it may occur When are they successful fail a When leading states perceive a common and compelling interest in stopping an act of aggression b Also when they are backed by common interests adversary is convinced of commitment and alliance partners potential opportunistic behavior is limited c Fail when leading states have conflicting interests in the outcome of a particular dispute or when they have too little interest in the matter to justify the costs International institutions exert little influence d I Alliances institutions that facilitate military cooperation A Variety of alliances 2 countries multiple countries smaller state than others i Bilateral ii Multilateral iii Asymmetric iv Symmetric v Defensive bargaining range create new info asymmetries to lead to bargain failure equal states meant to deter attacks increase costs of war and expand 1 Example Britain and France defending Poland strictly bc for own interests that Germany would strengthen militarily and economically Not enough credibility to back up talk vi Offensive agree to attack 1 Example coalition of the wiling in Iraq 2003 Alliances are costly to form Contract friendship Improves credibility o Germany s blank check to Austria proved support Weak make alliances with more powerful countries for protection Balancing Bandwagoning want to balance power within the world Strong states ally with weaker countries for more influence autonomy strategy in which states join forces with the stronger o Bandwagoning side in a conflict B Where are the police that facilitate military cooperation No political authority higher than the state System is characterized by anarchy no police Institutions are created to prevent this C Alliances and Incomplete Information Countries A B have the same potential for bargaining failures as 2 party conflicts C has private info to come to B s aid so they might not be credible A B may have different estimates of C s reliability Alliances influence bargaining if they are credible Costly signal public and joint military planning and exercises mobilization in favor If A believes C is unreliable A may demand too much If B believes C is reliable B will refuse A s demand of B Tying Hands public commitment stationing troops Why are alliances not ironclad Alliances involve Credibility Entrapment Trade off Ironclad promises can deter challengers but they make your ally more aggressive To avoid entrapment make ambiguous commitments but alliance may be more likely to be challenged D Alliances War Pre WWI was peaceful alliances encouraged world peace Credible Commitment Problem Interwar period caused by both credible commitment problems change in balance of power Knowing things will change as far as power goes alliances Germany was concerned about Russial Society Union Fascism vs Didn t think Britain would act too S was not believed to enter war information problem on shift in power time consistency communism awakened france to get france out of the way WWII U Cold War Credible alliances with NATO Warsaw Higher cost of war bc of nuclear weapons to increase bargaining range No credible commitment problem E Pre World War I Alliances 1870 Germany unites 1871 Germany defeats France 1879 Germany signs alliance with Austria Hungary 1882 Italy joins Germany and Austria to form triple alliance 1894 Franco Russian alliance 1904 Britain and France for the Dual Entete 1907 Russia joins Britain and France Triple Entete Instabilities Germany feared rise of Russian power causing some strategies to argue that war with Russia would be better now than later Germany vs France Schlieffan Plan Balance between major powers highly dependent on its allies for security Blank check Germany to Austria ultimatum to Serbia Large number of states involved more miscalculations F Interwar Period Germany was defeated Europe did not want to financially help Treaty of Locarno Britain pledged to defend Belgium and France if they were attacked by Germany France signed alliances with with Poland Czecho Yugoslavia and Romania Hitler remilitarizes Rhineland frontier Hitler exploited weak allies Bandwagon alliances with Italy SU and Japan gained Germany strength Conclusion Revisionist powers vs fragmented group of buck passing allies France was too weak to defend allies G Cold War Alliances NATO alliance formed in 1949 among US Canada and most of Western Europe states in response to the threat posed by soviet union Alliance requires the members to consider an attack on any one of them as an attack on all Warsaw Pact military alliance formed in 1955 to bring Soviet Union and Cold War allies in Eastern Europe Dissolved March 31 1991 when Cold War ended II Collective Security Organizations Universal institutions intended to deter challenges to the status quo o League of Nations United Nations NATO Make war less attractive bc overwhelming counter coalition Resolve commitment problems Serve as neutral observers and peace keepers A Dilemmas a Collective Action Problem promises to defend any member not credible Each state has incentive to free ride on all others b Joint decision making problem members have to determine which acts count as aggression but because of universal membership there is a diversity of interest c Collective security works when all states are satisfied with the status quo B Institutional Responses to Collective security a What can be done about the CAP and joint decision making problem b Vest decision making in hands of small number of strong states i UN Security council ii P5 and 10 rotating members C The UN II a Calls for nations not to use force to resolve

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