AFTER MID TERM 3 14 12 The Iroquois the Colonization did not decimate them it actually empowered them Their geo graphic position with the French on one side and British on the other allowed them a good deal of autonomy Britain and France had diplomatic relations with them The Iroquois knew if they had these two powers competing for their allegiance they could pit the French and British against each other The Iroquois experienced a detrimental transformation when the French and British stopped fighting and British took control over everything because they used that animosity to fuel their economy success British army tries to stop gun trade of North America Tries to stop rum trade French had gained support from groups through bribery Bribery is an old method of securing peace French and Indian war outcome was not in favor of Iroquois because the British won the war and British did not have Iroquois best interests in hand France lost 95 of it s territory to British What cost victory 1 Vast new territory to govern 2 Enemy combatants now Britons Many Indian Groups had allied with France Thousands of Quebequois 3 Decades of hostility between English colonists and these former French Subjects Threat of Civil War 4 Financial Problems Cost of a global war combined with Cost of administering Vast new terri tory So Britain now controlled much more territory than they did before the war That s great but territory needs to be governed We already know people live in these territories The processes of maintaining all this is not cheap at all Now the French colonists are subjects of the British crown Issues Protestants British vs Catholics French Pontiac s Rebellion 1763 The same year a treat was signed in Paris Violence erupts in back country North America involving Native Americans attacking British forts Native forces seize twelve of sixteen forts decimating British In order to recover their forts the British begin to bribe these groups to give them their forts back literally with money guns and other goods Eventually the rebellion fizzles out Consequences of Pontiac s rebellion 1 For Native Americans a growing sense of Pan Indianism 2 For the British Government a new awareness of the immense cost of maintaining peace in North America 3 For colonists in Virginia and Massachusetts a greater sense of insecurity People that captured British forts came from many different Native groups This demonstrated that Indians can come together for the greater good which frightened the British 3 19 12 Return to Did Britain win the Seven Years War 3 19 12 1763 Pontiac s Rebellion Massive Continent wide Indian Rebellion against British Rule 1765 Britain acts to bring peace to North America Restore favorable relations with Native People in the Appalachian Mountains The Stamp Tax Any paper good must bear a stamp that indicates that a tax was paid on that item They had been paying stamp taxes and other taxes previously before this so the British were taken by surprise when Stamp riots took place Consequences 1 Convening of the Continental Congress at Philadelphia 2 Repeal of the Stamp Tax 3 British governments faces New problems in America New Problems in America try to restore peace while still trying to be recognized as a government Young King George III says to let the colonists do what they want to do because they cannot af ford a war with the colonists 1776 Declaration of Independence is Signed So who won the French and Indian War Who wrote the Declaration Virginian Thomas Jefferson Who persuaded the Continental Congress to take up the issue of independence John Adams of Massachusetts What of our earlier story about the vast differences between these two now former colonies Are Massachusetts and Virginia still as different as two different countries ABSOLUTELY America s First Constitution Articles of confederation ratified in 1777 It s more of a defense alliance among sovereign states 13 very different states with different interest held together by a loose defense alliance the start of the French and Indian War to the ratification of the Federal Constitution 35 yrs ago Independence revolutionary settlement of 1783 America still in a very dangerous neighborhood north of the U S were the British colonies 3 21 12 Back to the French and Indian War March 21 2012 Did the colonists win the French and Indian War Did the American win the war Questions to think about 1 What did the American Revolution NOT achieve 2 What were some problems did the American Revolution obtain Independence did it allow the former colonies to achieve independence Revolutionary Settlement of 1783 America in a very dangerous neighborhood Had the American colonies and Spain surrounding them What s changed Well nothing changed Is the United States secure Is it truly independent Can it function as a free autonomous and sovereign entity Worries of Thomas Jefferson by the British aka Jefferson s Concerns about National Security 1 worried that they were going to colonize the Pacific Coast 2 colonizing land further east 3 scared that they will discover a river route such as The Columbia that will carry traffic all the way towards the Mississippi Lewis and Clark Expedition proved this wrong 4 he knew that the United States was a fragile entity so if one of the states decided that inde pendence was not working they would side with the British The Revolution did not make the United States entirely secure and independent United did the American Revolution produce the United in the United States Is this now a Revolutionary Achievement Putting the United in United States What exactly did the uniting remember the articles of confederation of 1777 article three in which they agree to chime as one because of national security What happened to the Article of Confederation History s dumpster in which the American abandoned it and the Constitution replaced it ratified in 1789 However though they were technically united this process still remained enormously di vided People were for and against this ratification Who has the power suggests that the power relies within the states however in the Constitution it was quite the op posite because they didn t want the people to become too powerful With this in mind they didn t want another England so they didn t want another strong federal government So how did the government deal with this controversial issue We the people the people have the supreme authority because technically they are the ones who say that a
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