what is international relations relations among nations o o old narrow definition relations among world s governments what kind of relations social political o who are actors o national actors states primary actors o international actors IGO intergovernmental organization UN NATO EU transnational actors o NGO non governmental org MNC multinational corp exxon ford transnational actors networks terrorists isis o substate actors origins where do we look for origins 2 groups of people living in an environment with no overarching authority to regulate their behavior within each groups between groups thucydides o relations governed by a structure of hierarchy government o a lack of such structured to govern relations anarchy o greek father of realism what is a nation state nation o o is equivalent to people common values goals etc common culture language etc note not in common territory state o ex middle east Suiz Cherokee political institutions legal abstraction requirements o a territory o b law making administrative institutions o o d sovereignty c citizens conflicts nations fighting states ex kurds fighting turkey o most fighting now is nation vs nation nation vs state hutu vs tsutsi kurds largest nation without state Sovereignty two dimensions o 1 absolute power over subjects and territory o 2 absolute right to be free from interference by others gov has monopoly over legitimate use of force o an impenetrable hard shell origins of sovereignty o 30 years war religion protestant vs catholic ended with peace of westphalia brought sovereign state into being own right under their own realm 1816 23 states 2015 193 states o south sudan newest member of UN sovereignty taken away by the UN o ukraine afghanistan germany iraq sovereignty given away voluntarily countries sovereignty anarchy power world regions key in cold war o o East Soviet Union allies China o West Japan EU o political systems democratic vs totalitarian o economic system capitalist vs centrally planned o europe gave up own currency using euro allow to go to each others north Australia vs South developing L A Africa Asia marxism gov has everything public schools government give syou jobes no stores all government runned stores good health care gov employees three competing worldviews o o o o realism liberalism marxism radical revolutionary what s a world view lense to recognize interpret or see the world o o each world view can encompass a number of theories realism states are the only important actors in IR key value maintenance of the status quo stability status quo maintained by the timeless universal laws of power politics balance of power realpolitik the enemy of my enemy is my friend ex Nixon becoming friends with China both enemies of S U ex SEcretary of defense shaking hands w saddam hussein iran enemy at the time ensure peace by preparing for war o relative gains losses more important than absolute gains losses state behavior determined by external environment not internal structures economic variant mercantilism CHAPTER 1 FLS puzzles observations about the world that deserve an explanation Mercantilism economic doctrine based on belief that military power and economic influence were complements applied especially to colonial empires in the 165th and 18th enrich themselves and their supporters o controls on trade monopolistic feature of mercantilism peace of westphalia ended 30 years war began sovereignty hegemony predominance of one nation state over others 100 years peace o Pax Britannica british peace between napoleon s death and WWI o british desire for open trade overcame mercantilist ideals got rid of it countries tied currency to gold colonial imperialism o western and non western nations U S Europe Japan turned to poor countries in Asia Africa and L A o 30 years crisis tensions in europe japan and U S rising politically and economically rise of GErmany 1900 german largest population and economy in europe neighbors feared GErman expansion Europe split central southern european powers of germany austria hungary ottoman Britain France eastern russia treaty of versailles woodrow Wilson peace treaty between allies and germany that formally ended WWI permanent international security organization UN ended 1946 league of nations fascism o o o germany italy japan main3 o america supported brittain w supplies o Nazi germany annexed austria and occupied o when war ended Cold War o Soviet Union and US o Axis Nations NATO alliance created to bring together many western european nations the US CAnada o Berlin Blockade and airlift o Warsaw Pact Soviet Union allies w european forces o Germany split into 4 zones American British French Soviets Soviets blockaded land and rails to Berlin from western area this cut west berlin from food and coal then airlift by US and allies o Soviets missiles in Cuba US put missiles in Turkey Liberalism aka Idealism o multiple actors states IGO s NGO s MNC s o key value progressive reform of the status quo growth and development importance of absolute gains o importance of freedom free trade free exchange of ideas internal structures of states determine external behaviors mechanisms for avoiding conflict spread of democracy o o develop security communities o develop international organizations and law US and canada US and britain Western Countries Marxist o key value overthrow the status quo justice focus on the unfair and exploitative aspects of international relationships o economic classes not states become key actors o war is a product of the current exploitative relationships to eliminate war you must change those relationships Realism o some blamed rules of power politics for turning a minor conflict in BAlkans for WWI idealism WWI woodrow wilson o o after WWI pendulum shifts towards idealism o after WWII shifts back to ideas of realism o post cold war liberalism becomes more prominent Decolonization o process of shedding colonial possessions o British India o after WWII North AFrica tree colonization ended Diplomatic changes o o iraq invaded Kuwait security council demanded withdrawal from kuwait or 34 other countries military step in air attacks on iraqi ground assault Class Notes The neocons neoconservatives o dominant view in US foreign policy during most of the GWB administration core belief use of US power to spread ideals o o military and economic power can be used to change countries that are hostile to the US create democracies nation building containing enemies is no longer
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