TEST 4 NOTES Video on purity Took purity movement then was shocked when entered real world CO may 2008 only kiss one man The Broadmoor Randy Lisa Wilson started 10 yrs ago Seems safer don t think its fair to them first kiss wedding day cherish inexpirence 5th purity ball dress affirmed from dad first went age 7 little pieces of heart away No physical touch bc distract from ones heart no hold hands a kiss awakens everything Girl broke purity pledge and got pregnant it severed relationship with her mom Mom says God is mad at her She had a miscarriage And cut off the marriage bc he wasn t right person for her Parents don t have a desire to meet and get to know Steve Cowboy 9 children from 7 women Daughter Kelesha Wouldn t want to marry someone like their dad 63 lung cancer Older brother thinks it is beautiful that little sister is getting ready Hes never kissed before Dad blesses all of his children in a line 7 children and a wife Kids have shaped moms heart Daughter and Dad read covenant together Is he like my father or not Chivalry Knighthood manliness he wants her to have all that for herself Got robbed of something precious something that God says Sympathy for hearts not argument 2006 Miss Colorado Jessica now wants to be lawyer CH 10 GENDER The Virgin Daughters Subculture rather than counterculture bc they are still living in the main culture using cell phone going to college There integrated into society Gender Roles Girls expected to wait around Boys expected to take the initiative and have to ask permission Very traditional Devout purity is signed to their fathers This says with regard to the family that there is a tremendous amount of respect for their fathers What about sons Initiative remain pure they weren t required to vow purity to their moms Consequences of Early Socialization If they mess up they will feel so guilty It s a lot of pressure Holding Women back Yes they re always waiting on someone else s movements Sex biological Gender by choice Sex Biological inherit Male Female Primary traits o Reproductive organs Secondary traits o Height o Tone of voice o Body hair Gender Social learn Masculine feminine Behaviors attitudes Opens closes doors to PROPERTY POWER PRESTIGE o Always favors men Ex town boy The Dominant Sociological Position is explains BEHEVAIORS Social Factors Ideas of Gender Male Female Behaviors Picture of girl in dress vs girl in jeans Girl on left is more feminine varies greatly by CULTURE vary greatly by CULTURE Global Gender Inequality Females as a Minority Group Origin of patriarchy Face discrimination based on physical cultural characteristics reproductive roles Origins of Global Gender Inequality Females Short life spans Many births Child care Housework Taken for granted work Males Worked away from home Interacted with other tribes Weapons items of trade knowledge PRESTIGE POWER Gender Inequality in the U S Figure 10 2 Women s Feminist Movement 1st wave 2nd wave 3rd wave o Women s Voting Rights 1920 o Dissolved shortly afterwards o Equal pay o Reform policies on violence vs women o Least Industrialized Nations o Reform values of Most Industrialized Nations o Women s sexual pleasure focus Gender Inequality in the U S Figure 10 2 From 1900 2010 Women outnumber Men in College Enrollment Bachelor s Master s Degrees College Enrollment Gap varies by RACE All degrees are not weighted the same therefore men are higher paying Gender Inequality Pay Gap Video All in the Family Men start remain at higher salaries in ALL Industrialized Nations Why o Gender tracking college degrees o Gender discrimination child penalty pregnancy leave Gender Inequality in the Workplace Violence Sexual Harassment Assaulters Harassers usually MALE Victims usually FEMALE Most rape victims know their attackers Only 5 of rape victims inform police Politics the Future of voters o Women men of politicans o Men Women o Women gaining ground More freedom to pursue individual interests REGARDLESS of gender 11 14 14 AGING Elderly Swimmers in Melbourne Aging stereotypes Absent minded terrible drivers glorify the young 20s Do swimmers fit stereotypes No they are very physically active Aging today vs Aging in PAST societies Today less prestige to growing old Social Construction of Aging Nothing natural about our views towards AGING Defined by CULTURE not biology Age is an issue of mind over matter If you don t mind it doesn t matter Mark Twain we isolate elderly Homes grey hair Industrialization Global Graying More elderly people where there is more industrialization How can nations afford to SUPPORT their growing ELDERLY population Limit age with medical treatment social security Graying of America Since 1900 LIFE EXPECTANCY how long you are expected to live an average increased 30 years LIFE SPAN how low you can live limit unchanged o Genetic advances will likely increase it Symbolic Interactionism Shifting Meanings of Growing Old Early U S Society Viewed Positively Work skills Wisdom Industrialization Mass Production Work experience less important Mass education Reduced knowledge gap What they can contribute to society not emotional Today Financially independent well off Positive Shift New stage of growth Social Secuirty was a good thing for old ppl Functionalism Disengagement Theory mutually benefits two parts of society Retirement Retired Pensions Youth Jobs Elderly EXCHANGING roles instead of DISENGAGING part time job teacher tenure Exchanging vs Disengaging Baby Boomers Unprepared to Retire Exchange Disengage work at walmart home depot Age Money Management Money becomes more important Why not disengage when you have enough money to retire Lose social connects fulfillment to society Functionalism Activity Theory Continuity Theory Activity Theory Are intimate activities more satisfying than formal ones Research Varies by person Critique of Theory states the obvious Continuity Theory Elderly keep ties with past Multiple Roles More prepared to handle aging Higher Social Class More prepared to retire One with the family wants to retire first Spend time with kids Conflict Perspective Social Security Legislation Mandatory Retirement by 65 now VOLUNTARY Provide Young People JOBS 90 of Americans RETIRE by 65 Conflict Perspective Intergenerational Conflict Competition 3 5 U S Taxes Social Security Medicare Since 1960s More CHILD Poverty Less Elderly Poverty Why pay MORE to help the ELDERLY than CHILDREN Bc they deserve respect Have more power property and prestige Came from voting old people
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