PSYCHOLOGY FINAL EXAM Sensation 1 Weber s Law to be perceived as different two things must be n different a 2 things may vary in some ways but a discrepancy can only be perceived if the variance is 1 several aspects Simultaneously n 2 Visual Info Processing a Parallel processing i Stim Process 3 Processing Theory ON red green blue yellow white black OFF green red yellow blue black white 4 Vision Transductor converts energy 5 Sensation Transductor converts neural energy 6 Parts of the Eye i Black white gray light ii Peripheral vision i Central retina 1 Detail and colors 2 Day light a Rods b Cones c Iris d Pupil e Lens i Focuses image on retina f Optic Nerve i Signal from eye to brain 7 Middle Ear Bones a Ear drum b Hammer c Stirrup i Eye color ii Muscle that contracts to control pupil size i Hole in eyeball that allows light to reflect off retina PSYCHOLOGY FINAL EXAM Behaviorism 1 Thorndike a Puzzle box i Cats put in box ii Food outside box iii Cats want to get out of box shocker 1 He thought it was because they were hungry a NOT NECESSARILY b iv Latch pushed box opens and Cats get food Instrumental Response Operant Conditioning Influenced by Thorndike Done by Skinner i Behavior Positive Consequence 2 Skinner a Skinner Box b c Rat placed in box with lever Inspired by Thorndike i Push lever food 3 Pavlov a Bell dog doesn t salivate b Food dog salivates c Bell Food dog salivates d Bell dog salivates e CLASSICAL CONDITIONING 4 Classical vs Operant Conditioning Classical a d Food positive reinforcement e Approximate behavior rewarded with positive reinforcement ie lever pushed with tail rather than paws is called shaping Stimulus triggers response Learn by association PAVLOV Operant Positive Response stronger stimulus Learn by consequence SKINNER 5 Bandura a Observational Learning i Essentially Monkey See Monkey do PSYCHOLOGY FINAL EXAM PSYCHOANALYTICAL APPROACH 1 Freud a People develop in Psychosexual stages i Oral ii Anal iii Phalic iv Latency v Genital a Pleasure b Principle 2 ID 3 Ego a Reality Principle b What functions in public 4 Superego a What is your ideal self b Ego ideal UNOBTAINABLE 5 Defense Mechanisms a Repression b Regression c Rationalization d Projection e f Reactiom Formation Intelectualization DSM Medical Model 1 DSM a Clinical Diagnosis b Mental retardation Personality Disorder c Medical Conditions d Sociological Environment e GAF Global Assessment of Functioning 2 Medical Model a Behavior disorders as physical diseases or imbalances of bodily processes b This model gave rise to the concept of abnormality as mental illness to be diagnosed treated c Cured by medical doctors PSYCHOLOGY FINAL EXAM Psychological Disorders 1 General Information a Attributed to i Biology 1 Evolution 2 Genes ii Brain structure and chemistry b Social i Role ii Expectations iii Norm iv Disorder c Psychology i Stress ii Traumatic occurrence iii Helplessness iv Mood v Perception vi Memory 2 Schizophrenia a NOT mood or multi personality b Connected to BIOLOGY c Schizo modo 3 Depression Trauma a b Connected to BIOLOGY c Transient Depression Common 4 Anxiety Intense dread a b No known cause c Treated with Benzo a tranquilizer i Can t differentiate relevant vs irrelevant stimulus and memories ii May hallucinate i Active listening accepting empathy to facilitate client growth PSYCHOLOGY FINAL EXAM Psychological Therapy 1 Psychotherapy a Interaction w therapist 2 Psychoanalytical a Freud dreams are suppressed feelings 3 Humanistic a Carl Rodgers 4 Behavior a Learning principle b Like aversion therapy 5 Exposure 6 Cognative a Treats anxiety by exposing people to phobias a New ways of thinking and acting 7 Cognative behavioral a Cognative behavioral 8 Family a A family is a system b Guide family to a good relationship c Family means important people in your life
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