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Culture way we dress o Ethnocentrism Consumer society o Ways of thinking that is learned and shared passed down ex beauty standards the Assumption that one s own way of life is superior to all others Ex looking down on Chinese for eating dogs or different foods Pledge of Allegiance o Consumption is a mass phenomenon among people o Ex shopping cars iphones Apple products o No matter how rich or poor you are there is a certain to be able to buy certain products o Material Nonmaterial Any physical object that we give social meaning towards Ex nike shorts leggings o Shared sets of meanings ideas beliefs o Ex religion knowledge wisdom wedding ring love commitment o Symbols Anything that meaningfully represents something else Ex cross flag Change over time Shared symbols that enables people to communicate o Language o Values Standards by which members of a particular culture define what is good or bad Achievement Activity and work Morality Humanitarianism Norms o Are society s specific rules of right and wrong behavior o Types Folkways not critical Not brushing teeth Mores very important greater moral significance not always crimes Adult having sex with child adultery o Laws o Sanctions Norms that are enforced Rewards for appropriate behavior and penalties for inappropriate behavior Subculture o Share beliefs values and or norms that set them apart from the dominant culture o Ex gamers golfs LSU fans Countercultures Multiculturalism Culture shock o Objects dominant values and norms and seeks alternative lifestyles o Ex KKK Amish o Equal representation to the contributions of all the groups o Cultural o A sense of confusion that accompanies exposure to an unfamiliar environment o Ex different ways of life going to a different country North and South

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LSU SOCL 2001 - Consumer society

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