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Final Exam Review Lectures 9 20 Assignments 5 10 The exam will consist of multiple choice questions including some T F and matching All of the content in this review may not appear on the exam but I will draw all of my exam material from what I ve given you in this review Please note that on definitions or for more detail in my lectures I always include notes under the slides If you do not see a definition on the slide itself I suggest you check the notes and your text Lecture 9 Middle East and North Africa cont 1 Know what the Qur an and the Sunna are if given definitions descriptions The Qur an is the Islamic sacred book Muslims believe the contents are the direct spoken words of God to Muhammed The Sunna is a set of practical guidelines for Islamic behavior the body of traditions derived from the words and actions of the prophet Muhammad not a written document 2 Know what Mecca and hajj are A Muslim must fulfill five primary obligations known as the five pillars of Islam repeating the profession of the faith There is no God but God Muhammad is the messenger of God praying five times a day facing Mecca the city where Muhammad was born in 570 C E giving alms charitable giving fasting from sunup until sundown during the holy month of Ramadan and making at least one pilgrimage called a physically able hajj to Mecca if financially and 3 Know what the three major language families in this region are multiple choice or matching Three major language families in region 1 Semitic includes Arabic Hebrew and Aramaic 2 European Kurdish Persian and Armenian 3 Turkic Turkish and Azeri 4 Know that belly dancing has not always been a female only dance and that male dancers have a history in this dance style T F TRUE TRUE Lecture 10 Sub Saharan Africa 1 Know that Sub Saharan Africa is a high poverty region and is not highly urbanized T F 2 Know what two features of atmospheric circulation the climate of the region is dominated by lecture text 1 The Intertropical Convergence Zone ITCZ 2 the subtropical high 3 If given a description of weather conditions associated with each of these two atmospheric circulation features be able to identify the correct one matching multiple choice The ITCZ is a low pressure region that girdles the equator and there air flows together and rises vertically This is due to intense solar heating at the equator remember warm air rises and this also produces heavy rainfall of more than 60 inches 1 500 mm annually over the Congo Basin The subtropical high is a zone of descending air the opposite of what happens in a low pressure system which results in dry stable air that causes desert conditions over the Sahara and Kalahari deserts 4 Know what the Sahel region is The Sahel of West Africa is the southern border of the Sahara Desert and has highly variable rainfall The human population in the Sahel is dependent on pastoralism with some crop production along rivers and at oases Beginning around 1968 rains failed and drought covered most parts of the Sahel for seven years Between 1968 73 as many of 3 5 million cattle died and 15 million farmers lost more than half their harvests in the area A quarter of a million people died from famine before food relief could reach them There have been more recent famines multiple times since 5 Know what pastoralism is Pastoralism is an agricultural activity best adapted to drier regions of Africa Some examples include the nomadic Bedouin who migrate with their animals in search of pastures in the dry landscapes of the Sahel and North Africa 6 Know that the East African Rift Valley may form a sea over time T F TRUE 7 Know that the Congo Basin is the Earth s second largest rainforest area behind the Amazon 8 Know what the importance of Madagascar s rosy periwinkle is lecture slide 28 rosy periwinkle which is used to treat leukemia found in Madagascar 9 Know what the Green Belt Movement is The Green Belt Movement is a nongovernmental organization created to protect trees in and around Nairobi Kenya led by Nobel prize winning environmental and political activist Wangari Maathai is the best known social movement of this kind It counts 50 000 women as members It has planted thousands of trees around Nairobi and has been the model for similar groups elsewhere in Africa and other parts of the world 10 Be able to distinguish between savanna desert and Mediterranean ecosystems if given descriptions Areas with seasonal to little rain have mixed woodlands and grasslands savannas Cover about 2 5 of Africa Baobab tree symbol of this landscape Provide grazing areas for wildlife and livestock Deserts areas that receive very little to no rain Cover another 2 5 of sub Saharan Africa Very sparse and seasonal vegetation if at all Plants are drought resistant small leaves Acacia trees Mediterranean climates of south Africa have produced a unique ecosystem dominated by vegetation called fynbos that is characterized by waxy or needle like leaves and long roots that help plants survive long dry periods 11 Know what fynbos is answer above 12 Know that quinine can control malaria to an extent but it cannot cure it T F TRUE 13 Know definitions of bush fallow intercropping and transhumance where crops are rotated and land is left fallow uncultivated for short bush fallow periods Intercropping technique for keeping the soil covered to reduce erosion evaporation nutrient loss and improve soil fertility transhumance planting several different types of crops together in one field is a the action of moving herds according to seasonal rhythms Lecture 11 Sub Saharan Africa cont 1 Know that Africa was known as the white man s grave T F TRUE also know why you may have to select the reason if given options The continent earned this nickname because so many Europeans died from diseases such as malaria yellow fever and sleeping sickness because they had no natural immunity In addition African armies attacked ports and fiercely resisted European attempts to move inland 2 Know when the first slaves were shipped to the Americas T F or multiple choice 1530 first slaves shipped to Americas Brazil by 1700 50 000 slaves shipped each year 3 Know that slavery was an important income source for some coastal African kingdoms T F TRUE 4 Know which three European powers were leaders in aggressively colonizing Africa lecture and text slide 10 British French and Belgian governments 5 Know what the Berlin Conference was and who The Berlin Conference a meeting convened in 1884 1885 by German

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