AMH2010 Final Exam Study Guide Key terms from Professor s key terms list are highlighted Washington s Presidency In office from 1789 to 1797 Alexander Hamilton federalist appointed as Secretary of the Treasury and addressed debt from the war as first act War bonds federal debt at face value loans also put country in debt along with inflationary issues Hamilton knew debts needed to be repaid or fiscal credibility would be ruined state debt taken over by federal government to make it a centralized account of the debt which helped national unity develop and an interest in the federal government Sectional split between North and South over bonds being taken at face value capital moved to new territory in Washington D C as a neutral site National Bank of the U S had three goals of securing repository of funds providing loans to the federal government and other banks and managing the nation s money supply to avoid inflation questions about whether this was constitutional or not with no basis for its creation but eventually passed Federalists vs Jeffersonian Republicans Republicans led by Jefferson and Madison thought the Federalists were monarchists and fought for individual and states rights federalists wanted a National Bank with a strong national government and were led by Alexander Hamilton Land Policy Federalists wanted to build up the population in eastern states to avoid losing power or a strong labor force wanted to sell western lands to speculators at high costs and in large bundles Republicans wanted individual settlers to own small plots of land as farms and wanted the west settled by the masses at lower prices for small plots The Whiskey Rebellion Whiskey was primary way frontiersmen could earn money and Hamilton proposed a tax on alcohol to help reduce America s debt frontiersmen didn t trust the federal system and hated new taxes in 1794 500 men banded together and burned down tax collectors houses robbed postal offices and destroyed property of those that paid the tax Washington called up 13 000 militiamen who marched into Pennsylvania to put down the rebellion most rebels escaped but some were caught in a massive show of federal force the act divided the country but Federalists approved it while Republicans viewed it as unacceptable central force use some sympathized with the frontiersmen and became Republicans Washington during the 1790s formed a new national government as his lasting legacy formed fiscal policy that worked and formed 3 new states worried about sectionalism within the country served as a vital balancing force for government and the new nation Jefferson was president from 1801 to 1809 his republican simplicity emphasized the simple life but still with expensive tastes that eventually led Hamilton into personal debt wanted to avoid monarchical pomp and circumstance that surrounded the White House ran on a platform for a shrinking budget and wanted strict interpretations of the Constitution Domestic Reforms Wanted to reduce federal debt to avoid higher taxes ended the slave trade in 1808 and repealed the whiskey tax saw commercial competitiveness in shipping and increased profits with this increased shipping activity sold western lands Didn t trust a standing large army so he formed small armies and navies out of state militia pirates became problems with American ships leading to a need for a larger navy fleet was a strict constitutionalist who wanted small government Napoleon Aimed to become the principle leader of Europe and wanted to get the Louisiana territory back from Spain Jefferson didn t want France controlling trade routes in the Gulf or along the Mississippi so he tried to negotiate a deal Louisiana Purchase with Napoleon Haitian Revolution left French forces depleted and caused him to sell territory to U S in 1803 Results of the purchase Jefferson was conflicted because purchasing land was not dictated in the Constitution ended up convincing himself to buy the land for 15 million more than doubled the size of the U S with 850 000 new square miles of territory allowed more protected borders from neighbors and caused expansion of slavery and in general westward defined Jefferson s presidency Lewis and Clark s expedition sent to find water route to the Pacific and gather data about the new land left in 1804 and returned two years later most significant contribution was first map of new American west Napoleonic Wars from 1802 to 1815 caused Britain and France to erupt in turmoil led by Napoleon U S merchant ships sold goods supplies sea trade to all allies in war long with France and Britain as a neutral force trade rose 400 Britain and France enacted new laws that disallowed U S to sell to both and went as far as capturing ships to enforce it led to non importation agreements in U S that failed Impressment to impress people into service from merchant ships to British royal navy Chesapeake Leopard affair Chesapeake U S ship stopped in neutral waters by British ship Leopard with Britain demanding 4 British deserters were to be handed over fired upon ship and killed 3 Americans created U S outrage Embargo In response Jefferson passes bill to stop all foreign trade and kept U S ships in U S waters extremely damaging to economy with trade falling to 1 5 of its capacity causing a depression to set in eventually repealed Causes of War of 1812 American shipping rights main cause Indian problems new frontier Great Lakes and southern frontier regions saw Indian violence over control of the lands and became larger with westward expansion Territorial Ambitions Canada and Florida territories fought over British didn t want to enter into a war despite still having a large and powerful navy U S economy couldn t afford and weren t prepared for another war with Britain with banks in chaos and army depleted but nay was prepared War of 1812 declared in 1812 but lasted until 1814 New Frontier Canada Theater Went poorly early on in land battles but good early naval battles Oliver Hazard Perry commanded warships on Lake Erie for the Americans but his flag ship was demolished by the British forces Perry got into a rowboat and moved to a new ship to continue fighting and eventually won Chesapeake Theater British land troops marched into Washington D C and attacked the city people fled city including the President British captured the city and burned the White House Capitol Building and Library of Congress in retaliation for the burning of Toronto s capital 50 British
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