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HFT1000 Test 2 Study Guide Module 8 o 80 What is the percentage of person trips made by auto slide 8 Understand the trend depicted on the slide of Rental Cars in the US slide 19 Who is the leader in the Rental Car Industry slide 32 What are the two major markets in the Rental Car Industry slide 40 Cars are distributed to airports and hotel surroundings Cars are distributed to agency owned facilities that are conveniently located within most major roads and metropolitan areas What are the complaints of the current Rental Car Industry on the slide The Recession slide 49 o 2000 2003 decreased o 2004 2007 increased o 2008 2010 decreased o Enterprise o Corporate o Leisure o Dirtier cars o Less service o Longer lines o Fewer choices of models Who was Joe Saunders first customer at Rent a Car in 1906 Who did the customer have with o His first customer was a traveling salesman who had a date with a local girl him Module 9 Why do people choose the Rail System slide 6 o The primary goal of any passenger transportation system is to provide mobility enabling people to move from place to place o Other important goals Safety 1 Reliability Speed Convenience Comfort When did the first steam locomotive open for service day date and city slide 9 o Christmas Day 1830 in Charleston South Carolina What company is the primary provider of Rail Service in the US slide 19 o Amtrak 30 What has the US National Park Service considered installing within Yosemite National Park slide o solar powered train in an effort to eliminate automobile traffic and pollution Know the bullets on International Rail Service slide 36 o Passenger rail service is more important outside of North America o Rail Service is still very important in Europe and Asia e g Japan Korea China and Taiwan Often is faster and cheaper than air travel High speed trains carry passengers between large population centers Chunnel allows travelers to travel between Europe and U K all by train Channel Tunnel allows travelers to travel between Europe and U K opened in 1994 Who built the railroad from St Augustine to Miami What college is named after him o Henry Flagler Flagler College Module 10 Know the bullets on The Cruise Industry o The cruise industry is the fastest growing segment of the travel industry in the U S o It has achieved more than 2100 growth since 1970 o Industry estimates 1970 500 000 people took a cruise 2009 13 5 million people took a cruise 2010 15 million people took a cruise o 2010 Cruising attracted 15 million passengers 73 from North America 27 from overseas markets o 2011 The number of passengers is forecast to grow to 16 million 2 What is the Average Length of Cruise in 2009 o 7 2 days What are the three top states producing the most cruise passengers o Florida California Texas How much of cruise vacations are books through travel agents o 90 o Cruise sales account for more than half of all vacation sales among travel agents What are the Pros to Cruising o A variety of choices for every budget age group eating habit and activity level o Do not need money for necessities o Cashless society o Meals activities and entertainment are paid for in advance of trip On the slide 3 Attractions are economic engines what are the benefits of a region in which Module 11 What are the 6 A s Tourist Destination Factors o Attractions o Activities o Access o Accommodation o Amenities o Ancillary Services attractions are located o Consider expenditure by travelers in Transportation Lodging Food and beverage Shopping in local stores and malls Purchasing souvenirs and outlet malls Guided tours o Taxes o Employment Ancillary activities 3 On the slide Attractions know the bullets under Tourist attractions are defined as What are examples of man made attractions o Cultural and historical sites o Natural landmarks o Officially designated spaces o Entertainment facilities o Amusement Arcades o Amusement Parks o Theme Parks o Gaming Events How many sites is the National Park Service responsible for managing o 391 sites o A bureau within the U S Department of the Interior o Includes National monuments National recreation areas National rivers National parks Other categories of protected lands that cover 84 million acres Various types of historic sites o Some of the sites such as Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon are viewed as iconic symbols of America o But the National Park Service also manages a number of small historical sites Military parks Scenic parkways The National Mall in Washington DC A variety of other protected locations Module 12 Tourism Culture Heritage Sustainable Economics Know the bullets on the slide Heritage Tourism o Basic concepts Original cultural and natural material Natural heritage Built environment Archaeological resource Intangible heritage 4 Traveling to experience the places and activities that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present It includes cultural historic and natural resources Know the bullets on the slide The New Tourists this is what the new tourist expects o New Heritage Tourism Markets of one Mass customization Memory mapping Experiential marketing o 5 Principles Collaborate Find the fit Make sites and programmers come alive Visitors will remember 10 of what they hear 30 of what they read 50 of what they see 90 of what they do Quality and authenticity Preserve protect and conserve o Cultural Heritage Tourism o Experiences o Activity o Creative o Dynamic Interpretation o Participation o Learning Cultural Passive Educational Location based Indigenous cultures 5 Traditional Culture Tourism New Culture Tourism Creative Active Experiential Activities based Traveling cultures Monoculture Tangible resources Anthropological Adventurous Arduous Cultural diversity Intangible aspects Technological Entertaining Therapeutic Culturally distinctive activities Culturally unique activities On the slide 2009 National Research Study on US Cultural and Heritage Travel what are the five different types of cultural and heritage travelers o Passionate They seek out cultural and heritage trip activities as they have a strong desire to participate in these when they travel Makes up 14 of leisure travelers Most likely to be 21 4 million people Belong to the Silent GI generation Male Hold a graduate professional degree Have a household income of 100k Cultural and heritage activities are a key driver in their destination choice They travel more often and are more likely to take long weekends

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FSU HFT 1000 - Test 2 Study Guide

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