AMH2010 Exam 2 Study Guide Majority of slaves came from the west African coast upper and lower New Guinea region slavery already established in Africa before the Europeans slaves could move in and out of system if they were nonviolent criminals Pan Africanism view that all Africans were the same Africans had range of cultures religions languages and people Transfer to slave ships kept in Barracoons prisons or slave forts compounds where conditions were terrible and slaves waited for ships to pick them up could wait for months door of no return in Goree Senegal was symbol of being a slave forever with no hope of ever going back to Africa slaves kept in the dark for weeks to reduce rebellion once taken outside light would blind them The Middle Passage carried slaves to Caribbean or the Americas loose packing took more food and water with fewer slaves while tight packing took less food and water and more slaves depended on ship s captain and accounted for the death rate on ships Problems dehydration was problem compounded by dysentery easily spread and deadly atrophy reduction of muscle power reduced as slaves were made to dance on top decks everyday sick thrown overboard where sharks would follow routes of ships slave rebellions happened on 10 of ships Speculum Oris a device created to ensure slaves would eat force device into mouth and hold it open while food was forced in Seasoning slave auctions sold slaves to rich plantation owners slaves washed made to look healthier fats used to enhance appearance of muscles at auctions prices depended on health age gender skills appearance Seasoners used to break the wills of slaves and teach them their jobs and the native language Slavery in N America Need for slaves arose with planting of tobacco rice indigo and cotton which were all labor intensive staple crops slaves replaced indentured servants 4 of the 10 8 million slaves ended up in N America Brazil with 40 Virginia Slavery Age of Flexibility occurred where slave codes were not yet established and there was no direct slave market slaves able to own their own farms and buy way out of slavery Royal African Company Joint Stock Company created for trading slaves chartered by King Charles II developed monopoly on delivering slaves to English colonies slave forts built along African coast Carolina Slavery plantation owners from Barbados settled in Charleston to grow cash crops and compete with sugar and tobacco brought slaves with them on 150 acres of land given slave codes of 1663 established slaves are slaves for a lifetime race of mother is what child would be restricts owners from freeing their slaves served as model for southern colonies growing slave population slave codes planter society formalization of chattel slavery Societies with slaves did not make slavery central to the economy while slave societies made slave labor central to the economy French and Indian War Great Britain becomes completely dominant in N America war fought on global scale creates militia system tension between colonies and the homeland which becomes the catalyst for rebellion King William s War After the Glorious Revolution Boston becomes Crown colony with colonial troops used for first time in the colonies War of Spanish Succession Fight over throne of Spain Indians used as allies against colonists Spanish lose and English get trade concessions War of Jenkin s Ear King George s War pirate captured by Spanish and they cut off his ear so he can take it back to the English king go to war over failure to hold up trade agreements Louisberg controlled access to St Lawrence River captured by Massachusetts militia army Boston Harbor threatened by citizens protesting drafts into Royal Navy resulted in colonists realizing their opinions didn t matter to monarchy all 3 wars start in Europe and spread to colonies Ohio valley French built forts around Ohio River Valley turned into Fort Ducayne Ohio Company of Virginia expanded westward and took Indian trading from French Iroquois become major power in valley pinning the French against the English George Washington informs French he will be taking over Ohio Jumonville s Glen Blow to the head heard round the world Washington born into planter society joins Ohio Company leader of Iroquois Thanaghrisson joins Washington to take over Ohio skirmish between Ohio Company and Jumonville French leader of militia leads to Thanaghrisson killing all French prisoners and Jumonville leaving Washington with no bargaining tool Fort Necessity built to protect Washington and his men from attack in retaliation French soldiers at Fort Ducayne attack and 1 3 Washington s men die leading to his surrender starts French and Indian war Albany Conference Albany proposal by Benjamin Franklin figures out way to unite the colonies proposes to have President General as head of the colonies and Grand Council with elected members who would regulate trade taxes and form armies Congress failed to act on proposal and nothing was accomplished rejected plan in fear it would take power from them Battle of Monongahela July 1755 Major General Edward Braddock comes to colonies to fix problems but ends up treating leaders poorly and abused his power British perceptions different than colonial reality leads to disastrous consequences Braddock fails to maintain good relations with the Indians planned attacks against the French but had to carve roads in Pennsylvania countryside to reach the French forts which alerted French and Indians to their arrival Braddock s defeat French and Indians surround Braddock and his men ambushed by 800 soldiers leading to over 1 000 British soldiers being killed and Braddock defeated he is wounded in battle and dies days later he is buried under the roads he helped build eulogy given by George Washington British loss caused leadership to change in Europe and the war to become globalized sent shockwaves through the colonies and emboldened the French and Indians to start taking land back from the British colonists set farms on fire killed settlers terrorized English colonial frontier Fort William Henry Guarded Albany NY and captured in 1757 by the French surrounded fort and leader of French Montcalm offered battle honors to British inside to avoid fighting conditions kept weapons but gave up ammo couldn t fight in war for 18 months had to peacefully depart accepted peace offering but Indians attacked them as they retreated and killed over 200 massacre horrifies Montcalm and sours
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