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AMH 2010 Exam 1 Study Guide KEY TERMS Beringia The end of the Ice Age saw glaciers covering Canada more land was exposed however creating a land bridge call Beringia that connected Siberia to Alaska Clovis Hunters Hunters that spread out into North America originating in Clovis New Mexico Clovis Points Spearheads that were used to hunt and kill animals by the Clovis Hunters traced back to people of Siberia Hunter gatherer Big animals driven to extinction from too much hunting people forced to transition to hunter gatherer where they ate wild berried and plants moving to follow food sources Great Plains bison hunters Followed herds of Bison while inventing bows and arrows to kill them also used technique of stampeding them over cliffs for large kills Agricultural Revolution Some turned to farming as way of obtaining food Anasasi Southwest Ancient Pueblos grew plant crops while also hunting built huge stone dwellings and formed irrigation systems three sister crops were corn beans and squash connected villages together Mound Societies In Eastern part of U S around the Mississippi built burial mounds to protect crops and bury artifacts believed in sun god and sacrifice Eastern Woodlands By 1492 three groups of Indian people were divided by language in the Eastern part of the U S Muskogean Both an agricultural and hunter gatherer society built protection to ward off enemies Algonquin Large and diverse group that had different customs based on where they resided were patriarchal societies Iroquois Found in Pennsylvania and New York on east coast accomplished farmers who had matriarchal society and built permanent settlements went to war often with Algonquin and took young boys from Algonquin to turn them into Iroquois warriors cannibalism frequent with Mohawk tribes where captured enemies would be tortured killed and eaten out of respect and dominance didn t want spirit to return to enemy tribe Patriarchal Societies where men made all decisions and were primary leaders Algonquin Matriarchal Societies where women made all decisions and were primary leaders Iroquois Iroquois League Formed a confederation of five tribes Seneca Ondaga Mohawk Oneida and Cayuga that politically unified groups of Iroquois while preventing infighting and promoted diplomacy promoted superiority over Algonquin tribes and aided in negotiation and trade with French and British ended with French and Indian war European perception of Indians Culture clash existed with European settlers where Indians were perceived as the other Meso America Comprising of Mexico and Central America 15 to 20 million Indians with a series of empires with large cities supported by networks of people and villages Mayan civilization appeared first but were conquered by Toltecks Aztecs Replaced Mayans and formed Aztec Empire 5 million in central Mexico fierce warriors who expanded to Tenochitlan capital city containing 250 000 people sacrificed humans to worship Gods which fed their sun god captured 25 000 prisoners in battler a year built empire on trade and war gold silver pearls copper let economy thrive South America Incan empire built in Andes Mountains with 24 000 miles of roads connecting Ecuador to Chile Incas Incan Empire flourish in South America with 12 million citizens built large cities out of Stone and ruled by divine emperor as a bureaucracy used diplomacy and intermarriage to build power skills developed including melting iron and modeling pottery 14th Century Europe in the 1300s was terrible with famine starvation and mortality plaguing the continent Famine 1315 1317 climate change and cooler weather created rain which destroyed all crops thousands of people suffered from malnutrition a rise in infant mortality rates and decreased birth rates The Black Death 1347 1352 major epidemic from central Asian rats carrying fleas and bacteria caused bleeding under the skin which caused rotting 60 died from catching it enhanced costs of labor economic devastation peasant riots ensued population decline started European Renaissance Gutenberg In 1450 invented moveable printing press to mass produce books and newspapers Printing press Venice was center for printers in late 1400s spreading knowledge across Europe promoted literacy and was crucial for trade and spread of new ideas Centralization Rising importance of centralized government as monarchs took power from empires Spain France and England colonized gaining loyalty from subjects versus nobles King Louis the 11th created nationalistic rule France became expansionist power with strong military Spain colonized into two kingdoms Grenada was Islamic empire Expansion Trade with Far East helped spread culture during 1400s beginning with crusades of goods heading westward Christian crusades began with Christians trying to take Palestine from Muslims introduced to new trade goods from contact pre 1492 in Europe Marco Polo Traveller in late 1260s Italian went to Far East China India and wrote about journies in a journal that was later printed using printing press stonewalled Europeans to keep them from coming in Portugal Western part of Spain important for trade routes Prince Henry the Navigator Gave money to people who sought out new lands for expansion started trading in Africa and begun training sailors who could help promote trade funded exploration to find mythological emperor Prestor John who would help Europeans push Muslims out from West Africa did not exist 1492 Year that Christopher Columbus set sail to discover the New World Christopher Columbus Took four trips to Caribbean and helped start contact with Indians wanted to spread Christianity thought world was pear shaped chartered three vessels to explore Amerigo Visbuchi knew he had found a New World not east Indies so America was named after him instead of Columbus Nina Pinta Santa Maria Three vessels Columbus chartered to explore new lands received 10 cut of anything he found took 6 weeks to find San Salvador Cuba and Hipanola but thought he had found China treated Indians there poorly by raping women murdering some and enslaving them went to Central and South America trying to find India and China Treaty of Tordesillas Negotiated peace agreement to divide entire world west of line was given to Spain east given to Portugal Spain begins colonizing Vasco de Balboa Landed in Panama to be first European to see Pacific Ocean from east disproved Columbus theory Ferdinand Magellan Went around Horn of Africa and to the Phillipines

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