ANT3212 01 Exam I Dr A C Kowal PPTs I V Thunder Rides a Black Horse Anthropology The scientific study of the origin the behaviour and the physical social and cultural development of humans Physical Anthropology The branch of anthropology that deals with human evolutionary biology physical variation and classification Cultural Anthropology The scientific study of the development of human cultures based on ethnologic ethnographic linguistic social and psychological data and methods of analysis Archaeology the study of human activity in the past Linguistics the scientific study of human language Ethnography a qualitative research design aimed at exploring cultural phenomena Ethnocentrism judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one s own culture Cultural Relativism the view that all beliefs customs and ethics are relative to the individual within his own social context Culture Shock state of bewilderment and distress experienced by an individual who is suddenly exposed to a new strange or foreign social and cultural environment Emic analysis of a cultural system or its features from the perspective of a participant in that culture Etic analysis of a culture from a perspective situated outside all cultures Ethics involves systematizing defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct Culture Universals a cultural pattern extant in every known society Cultural Paradox any person thing or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory nature Culture the behaviours and beliefs characteristic of a particular social ethnic or age group Culture Change the influence of cultural capital on individual and community behaviour Ethnic Group people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture Ethnic Conflict type of conflict that occurs when different tribes are lumped together to form a country an armed conflict between ethnic groups Assimilation the merging of cultural traits from previously distinct cultural groups Bicultural Identity the condition of being oneself regarding the combination of two cultures Kinship relationship by nature qualities etc affinity Bilateral through both parents equally Bilineal two lines of ancestors Patrilineal inheriting or determining descent through the male line Matrilineal inheriting or determining descent through the female line Ambilineal Descent individual chooses line of descent Parallel Descent men are patrilineal women are matrilineal Affinal related by or concerning marriage Consanguine the same ancestry or descent related by blood Endogamy marriage within a specific tribe or similar social unit Exogamy the custom or an act of marrying a person belonging to another tribe clan or similar social unit Sororal Polygyny a polygyny in which the wives are sisters Symbols of Kinship Kinship Chart male female Third gender marriage bond l Descent bond divorced X Dead co descent bond sibling twin or or solid ego fictive kin one method to use Subsistence the source from which food and other items necessary to exist are obtained Social Organisation people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships Economic Organisation the transactions that occur within individual cultures Political Organisation any organization that involves itself in the political process Ideology the study of the nature and origin of ideas Ritual observance of set forms in public worship Ritual Drama how costumes dances etc are exaggerated to put emphasis on the ritual at hand kind of drama characterized by complex medium of acts whose main purpose is to reaffirm or refute believes that nourish community Myth an unproved or false collective belief that is used to justify a social institution Mythic Present telling of myths as if there happening now Rite of Passage a significant event in a transitional period of someone s life SEPARATION The first stage in a rite of passage loss of identity Usually abrupt or violent in nature ruptures ties to self family community Often involves alienation or movement across boundaries TRANSITION often called the liminal stage The second stage in a rite of passage the in between time in which the participant has lost his old identity but has not yet been fully re incorporated into the community with a new identity INCORPORATION The final stage of the process usually moving the participants out of isolation and back into the community with a new identity Symbol something that represents or stands for something else usually by convention or association esp a material object used to represent something abstract Multivocal When a symbol represents more than one aspect thing Universal Symbols some kind of sign that is recognised by pretty much everyone Lightning Thunder sons of the white painted lady lightning blue thunder black Cardinal Directions East South West North 1 East childhood birth sunrise 2 South adulthood femininity reproduction teaching 3 West old age sunset grandparents 4 North elderly death weakest sun return to East Stags of Life childhood adulthood old age elderly death Three Who Went Together Executed as they tried to gain freedom peace rights for the Mescalero Warrior Twins sons of the white painted lady White Painted Woman Changing Woman She created the first Navajo people and established the way of life for Navajo people She is regarded as inseparable from creation but not necessarily the creator Deerskin Mat adorning the environment natural resources take from the earth Mask rep MTN sprits Circle the four directions and the four seasons Pollen fertility reproduction survival Burden baskets industrious Paint symbolises white painted woman Powwow Sunrise Ceremony o Similarities Regalia Symbolism Costumes Dancing Singers Values Vendors Audience Reciprocity Payment o Differences Male dancing amount Competition Number of people Intertribal degree Rite of passage Carnival Ceremony changes Songs repeated o o Mountain Gods dancers o Time timing o Bilateral kinship Population increase o o Remains o Rodeo fry bread arbor tipi Methods the systematic theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study Research Design the method and procedures employed to conduct scientific research Fieldwork the collection of information outside of a laboratory library or workplace setting Participant Observation a technique of field research by which an investigator studies the life of a group by sharing in its activities Informant someone from the culture
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