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Peoples of the World Final Exam Guide Unit 4 Lectures The Hadzabe One of the Last Hunters and Gathers Marlowe s book on the Hadza is an ethnography focused on economics and subsistence Location central east Africa Population 1 000 total Marlow contacted studied about Hunters and Gatherers Hadza Hadzabe Ju hoansi o Botswana and Namibia to south o Richard Lee foundation for research of hunters and gatherers Genetically and linguistically distinct Similar societies Frank Marlowe s Approach Not traditional ethnography Evolutionary theory Hadza hunter gatherers distinctiveness o One of last foraging societies on Earth o Location of East Africa is where first hominin species evolved o Environmental adaptation study o Quantify cultural anthropological research Evolutionary Theory Change over time evolution biology genetic changes Natural selection selection and inheritance o Some traits are desirable in certain cultural environments o These traits are inherited through genetic code Reproductive Success RS passing one s genes to reproduce offspring o The advantage of traits is a higher RS o Altruism you will help those that you share common genes with kinship and alliances Behavior you do to help others sharing food Marlowe s Objective S ee how much we can understand by reference to the habitat and mode of subsistence o Understand early human behavior modern hunters and gatherers relationship between culture and ecology Environment is the strongest influence on one s cultural behaviors o Why Hadza Location E Africa similar to what it was like in prehistory still foraging 90 diet is vegetation despite contact with modern society agriculturalist pastoralists outdoor living is observable can see everything they do o Quantify behavior measure health age subsistence level muscle tone mass calories consumed energy spent work efficiency food Pedometers walking distance calories Environment Varies rainy and dry season Communities bordered by Lake Eyas North of Hadzaland 4 locations groups population 1 000 people o Dunduiya o Tli ika o Mangola o Sipunga Resources and Weather o Savannas rocky hills scrub brush palm forest marsh woodland gallery forest large amount of seasonality and variation for plants animals plenty of options to hunt forage o Water is scarce lake is saltwater Rely on rainwaters and water holes subject to draught water from fruit and meat Languages Hadzane click consonants sounds carry meanings o For talk amongst themselves Swahili Lingua franca Isanzu Bantu language o Used with neighbors o Common language used to communicate with others about trade business Marlowe has never learned Hadzane speaks with them in Swahili Archaeology History Great Rift Valley history Olduvai Gorge 40 km north 3 6 million years of human ancestry here Art petroglyphs not modern Prehistoric contact Tanzania hunter gatherer populace Somalian and Ethiopian herders Bantu farmers Sudanese cattle herders o Hadza work as watchmen and guards by some ranches and farms yet have continued as hunter gatherers Current relations Iraqw maize farmers Datoga Isanzu Sukuma pastoralists Tanzanian onion farmers Economics Subsistence Variety o hunting and gathering wild foods o foraging and guarding crops from wild animals o government work scouts development know area o tourism eco tourism visiting places off the map Ethno tourism seeing people like Hadza ceremonies hunts etc Paid to be observed Don t produce anything to sell tourists Settlement Attempts British colonial settlements encourage farming Villages and schools established Missionaries provide food earn money work and religion Failed attempts o Authority abuse didn t pay them as promised treated them poorly etc o disease Hadza have no immunities to European diseases o Drought crops fail no more food o Food provisions halt after living there for a while they stop feeding them they leave In the end they return to foraging Cultural Conservation Records of Hadza behavior in 20th 21st centuries reveal stable culture o Population increased o Camp size mobility diet mating stable Camps of 28 people move every 3 weeks o technology still bow and arrow o 93 of diet is foraged o Now recognize visitors Moving limited possessions no food no luxury must carry children Must understand how cultural anthropological data can be quantified Social Religious Organization Status Gender Age Ritual Settlements Small size 28 and seasonal dry is larger time of visiting No political leader contrasts with Yanomamo mobile movement determined by men and women consensus Movement about every 3 weeks average 6 5 times a year 4 20 Location determined by water hole plant availability animals mosquitos habitat No territory limitations Hadza can live and move anywhere within Hadza territory No ownership by groups but by entire band society Marital residence pattern is multi local due to mobility Live wherever you want need extended family not Neolocal Patrilocal or matri locally o Tendency to live with wife s kin early in marriage while she has babies Status Egalitarian all equal with equal access to all property o People share property Reciprocity dependent upon others Dominant individuals or outsiders try to guide or make decisions People can make them leave solve disputes or leave themselves similar to Yanomamo Outsiders have tried to dominate always fail Hadza are self sufficient Gender and age slight dominance People listen to those with skills abilities wisdom and knowledge There are well respected elders Other Hadza don t have to listen to these people o Men have those skills of hunting push what they want to do with that o Women have knowledge of gathering relied upon for advice on that How can this be successful o No wealth no differences o Cooperation and dependency o Mobility escape dominance Gender Groups Only two genders male and female Segregation by economic activities Politics and Ideology no positions o All have equal knowledge of their religion healings etc all have access It can viewed that there are no such thing as shamans or that everyone is a shaman Sexual division of labor o Men hunt make and maintain fire gather honey from trees by smoking out bees make tools bows arrows knives o Women dig tubers with sticks build houses make clothing jewelry and baskets Kinship System Like us bilaterally symmetrical Generational and sexual kin terms o Brother cousin father uncle grandfather and same for females Names first names only except for contact with government o Months after

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