AMH 2010 Notes Fall Semester 2013 After Exam 1 Nov 25 Nov 25th large slave population o VA had 187 000 slaves Agree to the Three Fifths Rule Compromise Small states take issue with more representation going to large states due to o Slaves could be counted as 3 5 of a person in the population statistics although not directly labeled as slaves in the Constitution other persons Northern and non slave states extract a 2nd concession Congress can ban the importation of slaves in the U S as of 1808 Institution of slavery is the elephant in the room at the Continental Congress The 2nd U S Constitution was both anti slavery and pro slavery o Pro slavery 3 5 rule for south representation o Anti slavery 1808 law Congress stops importation of slaves What happened to George Washington s slaves o Some were freed some possibly sold What happened to the founder s dream Did slavery die a slow gradual death o Dream had collapsed No slavery is only growing o Population of slaves growing faster than population of the people o After 1808 Institution of slavery growing rapidly at fastest rate ever in history Constitution seemed to have a strengthening pro slavery effect The Fate of Gradualism Why does slavery expand so massively and so quickly Why didn t the provisions in the Constitution not bring slavery to slowly end Growth of Slavery in the U S o Economic change growing demand for cotton o Technological change Eli Whitney s Cotton Gin 1794 o Demographic Change 1 Economic change by 1820 a large new demand for cotton textiles Demand Printed cotton techniques acquired from India Demand The New British Empire a place for Woolens Industrialization of the British Textile Industry i 1760 1801 half of all cotton textile manufactured in Britain are exported to the Colonies 2 Technological Change Eli Whitney born in W Mass Yale grad tutor had business opportunities available in the deep south Was cotton grown in colonial America Eli Whitney develops Cotton Gin 1794 Colonial cotton long staple cotton difficult to grow Short staple cotton grows more rapidly throughout South but is more difficult to separate seed from cotton fibers Cotton gin allows for easy separation 3 Demographical Change Two Issues o Shortage of slave laborers in the cotton region o Land must be from forests to farmland The American Internal Slave Trade o 875 000 number of enslaved people of African descent transported from upper south VA and MD to the lower south between 1820 1860 o 367 000 Number of enslaved people of African descent transported from Africa to the British Mainland Colonies U S between 1501 1867 Mason Dixon line becomes most policed border in history Percentage of slaves in VA from 1790 1820 45 28 Dec 2 Review Why the rapid expansion of Southern slavery despite the ending of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Or how did the Founding Fathers get it so wrong 1 Economics Growing Demand for Raw Cotton 2 Technology 1794 Whitney invents his Cotton Gin Short Staple Cotton is now economically viable 3 Demography Growth of slave population in Virginia and Maryland makes possible massive Domestic Slave Trade second Middle Passage The American Internal Slave Trade 875 000 Number of enslaved persons of African descent transported from the upper south Virginia and Maryland to the lower south between 1820 1860 367 000 Number of enslaved persons of African descent transported from Africa to the British Mainland Colonies United States between 1501 1867 The American Internal Slave Trade Percentage of all American slaves living in Virginia in 1790 45 Percentage of all American slaves living in Virginia in 1820 28 Number of slaves in Virginia 1820 425 000 Number of slaves in Mississippi 1820 33 000 Number of slaves in Mississippi 1860 437 000 increase of over 1000 Number of slaves in Virginia 1860 490 000 increase of 15 Was there slavery in colonial Massachusetts o At most 2 of population enslaved The Transformation of Massachusetts 1790 1850 1 The Industrial Revolution a United States used to have very little manufacturing output not producing much revenue 2 The growth of Abolitionism the crusade for the immediate and unconditional abolition of slavery in the United States Industrial Revolution Britain the overwhelming industrial power To compete Americans must solve two problems o How do you get the machines British industrialists were using Bostonian Francis Cabot Lowell stole the idea for the basic Power Loom when on holiday in London in 1812 brought it back to America Merrimack Mill Lowell Mass 1850 a huge factory corporation o Where do you get the hordes of laborers British factory owners employed Lowell and most other textile owners decided to hire tons of young women to do the labor By the early 1830s more than 40 000 young women were working in the textiles Why women Women plan to get married to make a suitable living but most live in the deep countryside where suitors were few They could seek employment as a household maid or they could decide to work independently in a factory and make money Textile factories proliferate in New England What happens to prices as competition rises o Price for wages goes down Strike o First strike against Lowell Mills in 1836 because of lower wages women strike Dec 4 1 Industrial Revolution a Technology problem b Labor issue large pool of unemployed young farm women exchange moral education and wages for textile labor 2 The Growth of abolitionism a Boston is the capital of abolitionism William Lloyd Garrison 1865 Founding member of the Mass Anti Slave Society Is Massachusetts a safe place for African Americans o Fugitive Slave act of 1850 and Supreme Court s Dred Scott Decision 1857 States must return slaves to owner Does the ability to make a wage feed the moral outrage over slavery 1860 80 years into the history of the U S is the United States united o 1860 Abraham Lincoln elected president Lincoln failed to get a single election vote in 10 out of 16 slave states What s wrong with Abe o He s the first president to make slavery the center of his campaign April 1865 General Lee surrenders to General Grant When did the U S become united
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