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AMH Notes Aug 28 First immigration History of US beginning 13 000 15 000 years ago through Bering land bridge during the last great Ice Age Consequences of land bridge Animals began to move which forced hunters to move as well Qualities all American immigrants share o Mobility trade o Adaptability money innovation Teocentli into maize o Diversity what types of housing language Native Americans have these three qualities as well Artifacts can show that people traded throughout America First Americans were very mobile Adaptability money Find something that you are capable of doing and trade for other goods First form of currency is a shell used to make beads called wompom First people to interbred grasses to produce maize Corn allowed people to have an agricultural abundance which allowed them to do other thing Sept 2 Labor Day Sept 4 Creeks were Muskogean speakers living in and around rivers and creeks of southern Georgia and Alabama named Creeks by English fur traders Cimarrones African and Native American slaves who fled St Augustine and other Spanish settlements along the Camino Real between St Augustine and Mission St Louis o Cimarrone means feral wild or unruly o Self liberated slaves called by the Spanish Cimmarones o Cimarrones intermarry with Muskogean speaking creeks Corn allowed people to not have to focus on collecting food all the time Mounds show a wealthy population Northwest coast fisheries create another easy food source Creation of preserved fish by natives Diversity Types of houses speech Language and Identity Non literate people identify themselves through o Non literate No use of writing in the language Sept 9 Many groups came before the English How does the English Immigrant Story compare to the Indian Immigrant story The First Immigrant Story Mobility Criss cross the Atlantic ocean o Settlements The mainland colonies of NA o Hawaiians were very skilled at sailing Adaptability Farming economic systems hunting gathering trade Diversity Language very little diversity o Religious Yes protestant catholic etc Were the English as diverse as the Native Pop of NA No they were not The English thought they found land with relatively few native people That wasn t the case many of the natives had been killed of sickness 1492 the colonial era begins How does the English Immigrant story compare to the Indian immigrant story Mobile o Criss cross the Atlantic Ocean o Indian immigrants were more mobile Diversity Not really Language Not really Religion Protestants o Puritans o Anglicans Catholics societies What did the Europeans think they found A relatively empty landscape sparsely populated by relatively weak Native Main colonies Plymouth Boston Providence and Jamestown Sept 11 Jamestown 1607 Plymouth 1620 Massachusetts 1630 No Great Britain until 18th century 1707 Royal union of kingdoms of Scotland and England 1603 King James of Scotland also becomes king of England Why did they come 1 Pushes Internal Domestic factors 2 Pulls External geo political or foreign factors Pushes 1 England forces its own demographic crisis 1550s 1600 English population doubles from 2 5 mil to 5 mil 2 Economic change nearly as dramatic as the Industrial Revolution a Inflation money is worth less b Reduction in real wages they fell as much as much as half in the second half of the 16th century 3 Laws The Enclosures Monarch allows landowner to transform agricultural land into pasturelands Monarch gives real ownership a Land owners lobby to use land to raise the sheep and collect wool 9 16 13 do what Money English monarchs want money They have very little Export commodities Monarchs were very land and property rich but had little cash Wool liquid commodity very easy to turn into cash Bring wool outside London sell it Then bring money back to London What did the Enclosures do Drove large number of peasants from land Cottiers or cotters new class of landless peasants Social Problems Unemployment or underemployment Idleness Being unproductively employed Rising rates of felonious crime Vagrancy is a crime Their solution was to send criminals unemployed to idle abroad English drive to move to America o Economic Push o Demographic Crisis o Religious Conflict Enclosures Monarch allows landowners to transform agricultural land into pasture lands o They drove large numbers of peasants from the land o Cottiers or cotters A new class of landless peasants o Named for cots they carried around with them What s good for the English monarch may not be good for everyone else First two pushes o Economic Change o Population Boom England s population doubles around 1550 1600 What comes of this is social problems unemployment rising crime idleness Etc Get criminals unemployed out of England Protestant Reformation an on going process Sept 18 23 25 Push 3 Religious Conflicts Henry VIII Created the church of England 1533 Results in intense disagreement over the next 110 years England in constant conflict resulting in civil war 1642 1660 Two Sources of Conflict 1 Disagreement among protestants 2 Catholicism many remained loyal to Catholic Church 1620 Plymouth Colony Protestant separatists 1630 Massachusetts Bay Colony Puritans 1637 Maryland England s Catholic Colony Pulls 1 National Security a Spain the dominant world power in a catholic empire b Spain came to power by absorbing huge quantities of New World Gold and Silver c Profound threat to English Security Catholic Power with vast financial resources d Sir Francis Drake 1540 1596 pirate Privateer State sponsored Pirate support bases for privateers 1585 Sir Walter Ralegh establishes a colony at Roanoke 2 Economic Problems Need new market for English goods especially wool a Mid sixteenth century Collapse of Antwerp wool market Tea spices silk precious commodities come from Asia Mid Sixteenth Century o Collapse of Antwerp wool market o East Indies Asia many precious commodities How to get from England to Asian Markets Northwest Passage Portugal is a huge Masitime power It isn t possible to sail over North America to Asia First colony Roanok 1585 FAILED Second Colony Virginia Colony 1607 A good year successful Where is Virginia 3 types of colonies colonists Study Questions Outpost Roanoke Sustain English Privateers Extractive Colony Gather valuable materials sell and trade to make profit Settlement Colony Make profits through the large scale settlement of 1 Why did England start building colonies in North America 2 Who paid for the colonies a History of business Private

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