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Geography Final Exam The Things in Red are what he went over and emphasized in the review Northern Africa 1 Maghreb Western Sahara Morocco Algeria Tunisia and Libya 2 Morocco and Western Sahara are basically one country the boarder doesn t really 3 France colonized in Algeria 4 Protectorate the local rulers remain in place but major decisions are made in exist Europe 5 Desertification a The ecological changes that convert non desert lands into desert b This Climate change could be Human made Overgrazing or over water use 6 Libya is broken into 3 countries basically a Tripolitania pro America b Fezzan very modern c Cyrenaica very similar to Egypt Middle East 1 Major Landforms a The Arabian Peninsula Saudi Arabia UAE Oman Yemen Qatar and Kuwait b Empty Quarter Desert the bottom of Saudi Arabia and some of Yemen and c Frontier Boarder The boarder between Saudi Arabia and Yemen and Oman It Oman is not a well defined border d The Euphrates River and Tigris River make up the Fertile Crescent i Mesopotamia is in the Fertile Crescent which is the oldest civilization to exist Iraq ii The early empires are Sumeria Babylonia and Assyria e The Persian Gulf is in between The Arabian Peninsula and Iran i Also known as the Oil Gulf f The Dead Sea i Borders Israel and Jordan ii High mineral content enables floating iii There are no plants or animals iv Is the lowest place on earth 1 320 ft below sea level g Mt Ararat is the Tallest peak in the middle East 16 854 ft i ii Is a snow capped dormant volcanic cone Is supposed to be the resting place of Noah s Ark h The Nile i Most people in Egypt live on the Nile 2 Culture a Language b Religion i Arabic is the official language but not in Iran Farsi Turkey Turkish and Israel Hebrew ii Numerous minority languages spoken that are dialects of Arabic i The Three most dominant religions are Judaism Christianity and Islam ii Islam Muslim is the dominant religion having 93 of people Muslim 1 The 3 holy places are Medina 2nd holiest city where Muhammad stayed when he was casted out Mecca Holiest city and Jerusalem 3rd holiest city Where Muhammad learned to pray 2 Prophet Muhammad 7th century AD 3 4 Five Pillars of Islamic Is the world s 2nd largest religion a Shahadah Allah as God Mohammad as his prophet b Salah Daily prayer 5 times a day c Sawm Obligatory fasting d Zakat Obligatory almsgiving e Hajj A pilgrimage to Mecca 5 The Kaaba is the Al Masjid al Haram mosque in Mecca Is the largest and holiest site in the Islamic world c Early Middle East i Ottoman Empire 1 Emerged in the 1200s 2 Religious tolerance 3 Defeat of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 4 Is the Constantinople which is Istanbul 5 Lost its power with the Industrial Revolution d Political Economic i The Oil Economy resource ii OPEC 1 Has the same idea as Banana Republics 2 World s largest petroleum reserves Persian Gulf 3 North American and Europeans companies first to understand the 1 Algeria Angola Indonesia Iran Iraq The UAE Kuwait Libya Nigeria Qatar Saudi Arabia and Venezuela e Kurdistan Is the Largest ethnic group without any formal land Is mostly in Turkey and Iran but also in some of Iraq and Syria i ii iii The US supports their independence iv Turkey is against them and calls them Mountain Folk f Cyprus i Is split between Turkish Cyprus and Greek Cyprus 3 Israel and Palestine a The Balfour Declaration Nov 2 1917 the first time that the British acknowledged Palestine and notice that there was a homeland for the Jewish people and it had to be in Palestine because their history was there b Jewish Zionist a place or homeland for the Jewish population c World War II i The Jews tried to flee Europe and were turned down to enter the US and Great Britain ii The Holocaust was a major influence in giving the Jews a homeland Iran does not recognize that the Holocaust s existed iii After WWII the Jews fought with Britain for independence iv The British felt bad so they withdrew and created the Jewish State d The Six Day War 1967 i ii Involved Egypt Syria Jordan Iraq Kuwait Saudi Arabia and Algeria that all attacked Israel Israel won and gained control of the Gaza Strip Golan Heights The West Bank and the Suez Canal iii The Canal was given back to Egypt after they recognized Israel as a state e Geography i There are 3 designated Palestine territory in Israel 1 West Bank Is divided into Samaria and Judaea which is along the Jordan River and the Dead Sea 2 The Gaza Strip nothing goes in or out of this place without approval from Israel 3 The Golan Heights was part of Syria but was given to the Palestine people after their land was taken over by Israel f The Munich Massacre i This event increased the global sympathy for the Jewish State ii 1972 Olympic Games in Munich West Germany iii 11 Israeli Athletes were killed along with 5 of the 8 Black September g Temple Mount vs the Haram al sharif i The Western Wall is the holiest site in Judaism It is the first and second temple in ancient times ii Also house Dome of the Rock and the al Aqsa mosque which is the 3rd holiest site in Islam This is where Mohammad learned to pray h Capital i The capital of Israel is Tel Aviv This is what the UN recognizes and is the ii politically correct capital Israel wants their capital to be Jerusalem but that would take away the Palestinians territory i Democrats back up because the Israeli lobbyists give them money to back i US and Israel up Israel ii Republicans back them up because they believe in the Evangelicals 1 Christians believe that Jews will gather in Israel before the second 4 Terrorism coming a The act of instilling a state of terror into the civilians of a nation b Terrorism works in democracy because the people elect who governs them c Why they Hate Us Why Muslims don t like western ideas i Loss of responsibility to family ii Obsession with materialism iii Alcohol and drug addiction iv Liberalization of women s roles d The Iran Iraq War 1980 1988 i Kingdom of Persia vs Kingdom of Mesopotamia ii Both have a history of being dominate power in the Persian Gulf iii Both the US and Saudi Arabia Supported Iraq with money iv Iraq lost the war and people in Iraq hated their leader e Operation Desert Storm i When Iraq invaded Kuwait Iraq owed money to Kuwait because of the Iraq Iran War 1 2 The leader thought that he could restore national pride to Iraq by defeating a small country 3 The US came and attacked Iraq from Saudi Arabia and Iraq lost 4 He then had to look internally and bombed the Kurdistan people and then was

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