Final Exam Review World Religions 04 27 2013 1 Judaism Zakhor Awareness remember a communal way of embodying the present Memory is not an activity of the mind only but of the body and of the minds and bodies of others Like seeing remembering is a dynamic interactive process S Brent Plate Problem of representation the useful past translating past into present How not to forget Architecture Ritual Scripture tefillin Torah Hebrew Bible first five books Greek Pentateuch Core of Hebrew Bible o Creation Genesis 1 11 Garden of Eden Adam and Eve Two stories with different emphases Etiology explanatory myth Allegorical introduction to the rest of the Hebrew Bible o Covenant contract between God and his chosen people Noah Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses Patriarch father source Lineage traced to Abraham God provides land Israel protection descendants Abraham and male descendants become circumcised as a sign of their exclusive relationship with God Gen 17 Tanakh Acronym for the three collections that comprise the entire volume of Hebrew bible Motifs central of Jewish religious identity Creation Covenant Exodus Law o Exodus Metaphor of the transition from slavery under the Egyptians to the chosen people with a destiny and a purpose Going out departure emigration Moses Motif and circumstances of exile diaspora repeated throughout Jewish history Commemorated during Passover Mitzvot Commandments o Law Decalogue Ten Commandments Exodus 20 2 17 Deuteronomy 5 6 21 Stipulations of the covenant 613 recognized laws mitzvot Books of Exodus and Leviticus outline different obligations from social laws regarding the treatment of slaves animals and property to ritual laws required to maintain ritual purity includes an historical account of the years spent wandering in the desert and Deuteronomy recounts the law and describes the death of Moses Numbers Tabernacle Ark of the Covenant Throne of God s presence Synagogue Up to of all Jews are not affiliated with a synagogue This doesn t mean they are not religious lead together Gathering Assembly Not required for worship Prayers can be followed at home or any other place o Distinctive architecture Second to third century 100 300 CE Prayed facing Jerusalem Niche in wall facing the congregation for the Torah East wall in western countries Europe and the US Prayers at home Mizrah Niche became a piece of furniture called the ark Invokes Ark of the Covenant from pre Temple period Houses the Torah scrolls sefer Torah Tefillin Scripture Judaism Two small leather boxes containing verses from the Torah Usually worn by men Talmud Three bodies of Rabbinical Commentary Midrash Mishnah Talmud o Commentary upon the Mishnah o Third century CE o One Mishnah Two Talmuds Each Talmud is composed of the Mishnah and a gemarah commentary Jerusalem or Palestinian Talmud Likely produced in northern Palestine and not in Jerusalem Insight into Judaism during a period of intense deterioration and ascendancy of Christianity as the state religion Babylonian Talmud Persians more tolerant of the Jewish community More developed legal discussions Ascended in status among Talmudic scholars In both Talmuds the Mishnah is in Hebrew and the gemaroth are in Aramaic Bomberg Talmud is one of the earliest printed Talmuds Venice ca 1526 1548 Rediscovered in the basement of a college near London in 1992 Kashrut Set of Jewish dietary laws Sephardim Early modern Judaism Jews from the pre modern Mediterranean religion Mediterranean Iberian North Africa Ashkenazim Jews from the pre modern central and eastern Europe Megillat Esther 3rd section of the Jewish Tanakh Bible Girl Esther becomes Queen of Persia and plans to commit genocide against he own people 2 Christianity Gospel Christian scriptures good news biographical sort of synoptic Mark Luke Matthew John logos word pattern divine intelligence Incarnation Pentecost Act of Apostles Transition from sect to church o Experience of the Holy Spirit as a rush of wind and fire o Speak and understand diverse languages glossolalia Paul Epistles Biographical sketch in the acts Letters to churches after conversion are the earliest form of Christian literature Establishes Christianity as a separate religion One does not have to become Jewish in order to follow Jesus His travels establish Christian communities in port cities of Roman Empire by 65CE Jesus Christians follow Jesus God Central figure of Christianity Son of God and Messiah Executed on a cross o Demonstrated powerlessness of humanity to effect salvation and the necessity of an intermediary Aniconic not employing or permitting images idols of dive being Acts of the Apostles transition from sect to church Christianity Pentecost 5th book of New Holy Ghost People 1967 Pentecostal religion Testament o Appalachia Scrabble Creek West Virginia o Why focus on a single denomination in a particular region Christianity like other religions intimately tied with culture and region All of the religions we have studied have reflected regional and cultural influences we just haven t been as attentive to them as we could be o Why this case study makes us think about our implicit categories of good religion and bad religion attentive to our vocabularies and mechanisms of distancing and identification o Documentary cinema verite Sacraments Protestant Reformation medieval sacramentalism Sign person place object or action that is regarded as holy links in a chain to God vehicles through which sacred power became present for believers o o o Central demonstration of sacramentalism was the incarnation of Jesus in human form o Obstacles to true communion and understanding o 7 Sacraments Baptism confirmation penance Eucharist holy orders matrimony extreme unction 5 of 7 associated with life events The other two Eucharist and Penance provided regular assistance through life Constantine o Christians had suffered great persecution under Roman emperors in the third century o o Diocletian succeeded by Constantine r 306 37 Final and fiercest persecution began with the emperor Diocletian in 303 CE early 4th century Converted to Christianity himself at the end of his life Conversion precipitated by a vision conquer in this sign Latin in hoc signo vinces o Under Constantine the Church helped to stabilize the Empire o Exchange between Christianity and paganism pagan peasant from Latin for rural Christianity developed in ports and cities at first so less influential in rural regions o Fourth century doctrinal issues creeds formal statements of
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