Bodies of water are labeled in blue physical features are labeled in green countries are labeled in pink red islands are labeled in yellow orange and cities are labeled in purple Maps are all the way on the bottom of the study guide Below are some of my notes from class that I felt were very important disregard the redundant information Whatever is bold in my notes you need to know for the test The rest is up to your discretion Human Geography Religion critical in looking at cluster of humans we see today because Religion is the gene that carries the chromosome of culture Society value judgments that you use epistemology of the language that you speak is based on this religious idea philosophy behind the religion Religion in the Western World Christianity Judaism Islam These are text based religions Idea that there is one god Similar criteria when compared to other religions in world Most Asian religions Anything that is written by human beings has human intervention which cannot be religion because religion was spiritual Individual is insignificant In Asia it is not like western religions but it is a thought system a different way of thinking Buddhists Confusion Shinto Religions are not mutually exclusive can attain attributes from one and from another can practice multiple religions There is a difference in thinking We are not all the same People think differently across time and space Characteristics that contribute to people thinking different Religion 1 Hinduism identified with The oldest religion Vedas India Ganges River Cast system transmigration for exam Begins in Hindus Valley It is text based The Vedas series of texts Idea entire cosmos everything that exists in the universe can be placed within one great big giant shell This religion is geocentric has a point that is the geographic center of this religion India Everything that is alive is alive because it is has a spirit and that spirit circulates around the center So the cosmos is trillions of spirits that are revolving around the center of the cosmos all the time These spirits are born to temporarily be live things during that life you have a task assigned to you and do whatever it is you are born to be Cast system humans fit into a specific job do that job and there is no social mobility It is an integral part of the Hindu religion When you die if you generated good positive karma you will come back as something better in the next life This idea is called Trans Migration your spirit lives forever body dies First goal The idea is to produce more good deeds than bad deeds Another path to try to become one with the gods meditate transcendental experiences outside the cosmos is a universe of hundreds of gods and the father of all gods Brahma Hinduism being first of the religions They believe Ganges River gets rid of bad deeds if one baths in it Varanasi Hindus must get married and procreate They see life as very sacred ultimate representative is the Cow 2 Islam Western religion Muslims invaded India in 650 A D Took over all of India and dominated it for 1300 years But they were only 10 or 20 of population Hindus and Islam are enemies 3 Jainism starts in 500 B C important year because almost every religion great philosophy starts around this time Lord Jain says that Hinduism is too extreme cannot base religion on a text should be based on spirits instead who all have value Basis for religion spirits ancestors Tremendous respect for life Take shoes off before waking on grass dress in white headdress concentrated in North Eastern part of India around city of Mumbai primarily in the banking and money handling professions 4 Sikhism 1400 1500 in Punja region around city of Amritsar India headquarters Started by Lord Nanu sees Muslims which are dominating authoritarian leaders And looks at Hindus who have text based religion people are not equal and cannot eat beef Believes that all people are created equal that slavery should not be Tremendous respect for spirits and human beings as well comes up with middle way between two extremes of religion organized into military contingence best fighters in India Golden Temple holy site Tradition holy sites are open to all Eat meat 5 Buddhism starts at time of Golden century around 500 bc in northern India by Punja Buddhism Son Sidhartha Brahman elite upper class of Hindus tries to produce good karma but feels insecure So tries the path of giving away all of his possessions and going into wilderness to try to commune with nature and become one with the gods feels that does not work Comes to conclusion that there must be a third way a middle path path of moderation the Eight Fold Path of Moderation Human beings are born perfect clean pure as infants but as we progress in life we get all these temptations to which we succumb these create passion in us so we must contain pristine character to contain those passions must look within ourselves and find the way to control one s passions and have this ultimate pure life They believe in transmigration but this Eight Fold Path gives you direction in the way which you should god Lhasa Tibet Capital world center of Buddhism Dali Lama World leader of the Buddhists Buddhism begins in India but today nearly every country in Asia has a Buddhist influence Japan China Thailand Miramar etc First of the Three Benchmark that form basis of religions of Asia Buddhism 6 Taoism 500 bc Golden Century by itinerant preacher Lao Tzu used to be librarian for emperor s library Goes out into western Chinese deserts preaching to people his beliefs Before he dies writes down ideas in book Tai Ching Philosophy Truth can be found in nature Nature gives us all of the rules and ideas and plans that we need to make our lives successful There is a natural law in nature and that law is one of harmony All things are built to coexist with each other making them equal Symbol to represent harmony of life Tao split into two parts the Yin and the Yang everything in life exists in unity of opposites Taoism Primarily practiced in China Vietnam Taiwan Indonesia Second of the Three Benchmark that form basis of religions of Asia Taoism 7 Confucianism founder Cong Fu Tze follower of Lao Tzu Around 500 bc CFT reads all ancient texts of China comes to conclusion Humans are distinct and unique on this planet because of their brain and ability to expand wisdom and accumulate knowledge Pursuit of Knowledge is Ideal way path for all human beings to progress Truth is found through knowledge
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