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Introduction to Anthropology 01 09 01 16 What is anthropology the study of human kind culture behavior evolution societies over time and across cultures o Culture shared and learned understandings of a group of people and their behavior Taught learned not acquired genetically Behavior language morals ideals etc Four fields Cultural contemporary peoples Go to people live with them take notes o o Archaeology people s material remains OLD Past present Since modern human o o Physical Biological evolutionary time scale OLDER Millions of years ago skeletal systems Linguistics study of languages Evolutionary development origins Speech apparatus Reconstruct pre historic languages Modern language socio linguistics socially Objectives Study how people live on a daily basis what do they use to accomplish tasks o Ultimate question What is the meaning of their lives actions Meaning behind people s behavior What do anthropologists study look at o Values things you abide by Rules customs what s important o o Conveyance behavior actions body language expression dress Symbols something that represents something else language etc Research design Formulation hypothesis background research permissions money grant proposal o o Data Collection field work observing participation pictures notes recordings o Analysis and interpretation comparative method to other societies o o Conclusions and reformation why the people behaved as they did new questions Presentation to colleagues grant writers the public the people written about Publish book journal article academic conferences instant feedback Issues for cultural anthropologists o o o Franz Boaz Jew dealing with anti Semitism Left Germany and moved to U S Established first anthropology department at Columbia University Work was very descriptive He did not judge cultures for comparison Cultural relativism you cannot judge another culture based on your own cultural standings No is superior or inferior to another You should evaluate and describe a culture s behavior according to it s own history Extreme idea that cultures should not be compared to each other Not now believed We now compare cultures but recognize when over stepping bounds We want to know largely about human kind in general Ethnocentric belief in the superiority of one s own ethnic group Harming others genocide etc Not accepting of other cultures Culture shock negative reaction when someone experiences introduction into a culture vastly different from their own Could cause mental breakdown severe case The basics we are looking for when encountering any new culture four institutions of how societies organize themselves o o o o Social organization pattern of relationships Economic organization subsistence level how you make a living Political organization laws leadership defense Ideology organization belief system morals that guide everyday life Always trying to determine meaning of behavior Mescalero Ceremony 01 16 01 23 Setting and people Mescalero Apaches Time o Mythic present what we think of long ago happening folklore stories Happened long ago but are active in their lives The past is still active in the present No legendary time or long ago it has always been in conjunction with the present Thunder Lightning supernatural beings warriors mythological god figures sons of changing women Supernatural and human world are not separate but together Ethnographic present writing technique of recording events as if they are happening now even though they occurred years ago Multiple ceremonies but collapsed time down to 1 event Why Avoid recounting so many details the reader gets bogged down Also the time that the ethnography took place Indian time Don t go by specific times like the rest of America but things begin when everyone is ready and everything is ready to begin There is no clock Ceremonies Rites of passage Symbolism Comparative analysis Location Apache Reservation New Mexico Not all of their original land lost a lot The Reservation o What does it do All have the same belief systems etc Same tribe Allows them to maintain their culture values and belief system amidst the ever changing American culture o What does it mean They cannot expand their lands Don t have a lot of job opportunities Isolation desert Not near large cities Government interference with resources Abide by U S and New Mexico law but govern themselves essentially Problem with poverty they have their own education system so there is less education in general and limited jobs Common with Indian Reservations However they are tax free people that don t live their go to buy products because they are able to keep the prices low Bi Cultural Identity The anthropologist o o nDe the Mescalero Apache The word in their language for themselves Indian vs American o Who is she Sister to adults aunt to children and later grandmother to them when they grow up and she returns She herself is a mom already has the role and connection Fictive kin member adopted within family and community o What is her goal To know about the Sunrise Ceremony puberty ceremony for girls coming from childhood to adulthood and why they perform it as they do o How will she accomplish it She lives with them during the ceremony observing the ritual photographing it participating in it as a family member she helps with preparation Mescalero Arriving o o o o o o Who is present Subcultures o What will you experience Cultural institutions social closely tied to ideology political economic ideological Most focus on social and ideological institutions How the families and tribes are organized singers leaders audience for events groups religion etc Political and economic institutions are secondary o How will you experience this Myths Story narrative with objective to teach These stories are true to them Primary method of explaining history customs behaviors background behavior learned in entertaining way How values are reiterated to children and kin Stories of how you came to be family religion etc Lessons of how to behave o Mescalero Mythology Why It helps children remember rules morals important aspects of the culture values etc Stories help children remember the way to behave more than just telling them rules and what to do and not do To whom By whom Adults tell them they know the stories to children Bernard head singer Important male kinship tie mother s brother matrilineal society Assigned to tell lessons history of family to nieces and nephews NOT father another

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