Week 6 10 5 11 For Midterm Study lecture notes readings and Key Terms Look up online 7 years war Trying to get into Ohio Country 1740 Penn Traders are invading the land Ohio Company 1747 formed received land grant from King 500 Sq miles moving west located when Pennsylvania is now 3 groups that have different ideas for the piece of land Force of troops out to build forts out and stop Americans from coming into there land 1753 royal gov or Virginia sends an Ohio company to tell French to back off George Washington make his own way in life goes into Ohio Country and takes 6 guys only 1 speaks French also trying to figure out what they are doing goes back to governor and he thinks he did a good job and told him to take more guys and go defend their rights tells him to repel force but only if they start first British concerned about French and what they are doing Britain is willing to provoke something Washington has to go get the French to make the first move so he could make the next move spring sets out with 160 men from Virginia Follows lead of the Indian chief Sneak up in early morning hours French scared so they attack and both sides attacked don t know who fired first start of the 7 year war 14 French man killed and none Virginia Indians killed all French men there prob to start trouble there George is scared of what will happen to him so he builds a fort and hung out there They send reinforcements and the Indians with him leave him 3 months later he s attacked by 600 French men George has 200 men max 1 3 of force is killed or wounded They he French send a massage that they are going to defend the land with everything they have British going to the mattresses and making as many Indian friends as possible Creates the Covenant Chan Get the Indians to understand that they didn t break it and get them back on the side if not but agree them to be neutral 2 people have bigger ideas Ben Franklin creates the Albany Key features president general appointed by crown grand councils that would meet and trade with Indians War peace and Indian trade Indians don t like plan at all Mohawk Indians agree to hold the change so they are now ally with the British 1755 3 different movement Main one Bradick Bradicks march is the first goes into back country takes along with him George and 2 000 soldiers 1 day short they are ambushed and they loss badly 1000 British Killed His horses dye and Bradick is killed with Washington himself Stops the other 2 attacks by British to rethink about what they are going to do After pit decided to go against with war 2 years he already gets victories France and Spain surrender to British France pays Spain for helping out Cuba is given back to Spain Everyone has their stuff about Britain gets Canada French aren t a problem Indians are stuck only dealing with British Colonists see things different harsh military discipline 1 3 of Massachusetts s men served during the war Biggest problem Financial cost of it all doubles it within 6 years of beening prinminiter George the 3rd young man 22 and only trusted his tutor Causes problems later one keep peace between colonist and Indians Indians are in shock alarm 6 more attacks every frontier settlement is attacked 400 or more British soldiers dead poinitacts rebellion Proclamation of 1763 says Americans you can not go west of application mountains you cant cross it design to separate Indians from colonist All west are not Indians land Are the land west you may hunt it but you many not live Proves the impossible hundreds of settlers past the line British is going to pay for this by 24 billion American colonist have to pay for this Colonist don t agree to this at all George finds prim mister to live with 10 7 11 Key Terms Sugar Act Stamp Act Samuel Adams Virginia Resolves Declaratory Act Townshend Acts John Adams Coercive Acts Tea Act Thomas Gage Powder Alarm First Continental Congress Lexington and Concord Sugar act Solution to pay a lot of money develops a solution Sugar Act make it agreeable with ship raises the price if caught smuggling Killing 2 birds with 1 stone Doesn t work people are still smuggling more fighting among the people British try to in act a law to get money from people People in the shipping trade raises tax British don t think its that big of a deal lots of resistance Colonist thinks this is an intrusion with the way of living Britain is making them do this so the people don t like it How can they make more money Stamp Act Lord George Grenville On official document court licenses newspaper ship cargo list and Wills If you didn t have stamp on it then you get in trouble Knows its going to unpopular hires people that will make 8 of the money to enforce the stamp taxes People reject the Tax But they have to deal with it Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty Colonist have meetings about it residences begins in Virginia with Patrick Henry comes up with resolution about it beyond the stamp acts Virginia Resolves 1 Virginians are British Citizens 2 They have the same rights privileges as Britons 3 One of which is self taxation 4 VA taxes itself through House of Burgesses 5 VA assembly alone can tax VA 6 Any tax law outside of VA is illegitimate 7 Anyone who disagrees is an enemy of VA only first 4 approved All 7 were printed so all seven became laws first time anyone s stood up to it How far does there power go to tax them so what right do they have to tax them What can they legislate External taxes regulate trade Internal tax only done within the colonies People have lots of choices comply Or not to comply Do they want to boycott very practical they are the only goods that are coming in to the colonies because of the navigational acts Using getting unstamped paper And prevention of use of stamped paper First organized resistance is in Boston 1765 group of men called themselves the Sun of Liberty founded by Samuel Adams John Hancock Ebenezer Macintosh Macintosh street activist they had a set up to mock exsicution dummy going around hanging him They guy went into hiding and then he quit so they got excited that they weren t going to have stamps 3 important lessons 1 this jobs sucks 2 governor had no will power to stop it the guys realized they had the power to make a difference Game changing moment colonist has power now Thomas Hutchinson people think they had did this they think hes guilty so they people tear his house apart but what they don t know is that he really did he went to hiding powerless …
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