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American week 5 9 25 11 WHY THEY HAPPENED Not random 150 people accused of witch craft huge panic outside of Salem Less cases in southern colonies Less religion Believe that the world was build as a supernatural world believed that the supernatural world could interfere at any time everything thats happens was ment to happen supernatural everyone deserves what they get what they thought looking for outward explications if prayer didnt solve the problem looked for other solutions forkremanise traditions brought over from europe ordinary people have potential to use the supernatural power for there own good A doll that represents someone voodoo they would solve there problems that way Or uses spices or spells or defend themselves by using a magic called counter magic bewitched object If you burn the object of which is being bewitched then you are a witch Sometimes if the witch is so strong you have to go to someone else Full time magical foke Fortune telling they would solve your problem Use magical spells to harm people if they wanted you get from the tellers People have to know the difference between a good or bad witch people are going against puritan mythology If you go to far with this then you arnt believing in God People consider them as Dangerous Women majority of people accused were women women having power in puritans most trials were on women 78 men trialed were most likely with these women Puritans believed that women s body were weak so the devil could easily enter in them then with a guy womens reasonability was to have lots of babys it she couldnt then she doesnt fit in society for them If she has property b c of her husband died then she is to powerful and then she is most likely to be accused of having the devil If she argued a lot she opens herself up to bad options of getting accused of witch craft most accused witches were widows Malevolent Neighbor people that live close are the ones you are going to have problems with them You wouldnt accuse someone thats 8 houses down from them Or you if you dont have a good relationship and hate each other then you are most likely to be accused allegations are found of 3 things 1 inability in puritans society to inability eo explain misfortune or illness 2 deeply believe in supernatural forces that can hurt someone 3 densely person nature of human interaction Afflicted Girls Not the same motivations as the same one the first one that did it they were used in court to see if they actaully were cursed no one knows why they wanted to do this 1 all of this fate or fake 2 girls were not really liked in town 3 element power for these girls by being one it makes them power full these girls were very angry and lash out on people move away from lands they lived in lost a lot of there property s and things owned who is most likely to be accuses clear evidence of guilty witch person is ad herative witched had given up on God and went to satin Secular court New England convicting a witch means you have to have evidence 4 types 1 argument something bad happens its witch craft illnesses 2 person being accused had a reputation and known for using cold power before and no use it on people 3 counter magic that exposes a witch drew out the witch to show who the guilty person was 4 Generaly suspicious behavior super strength suspicious didnt use torture but sometime they did 1 type pressing when he doesnt talk put another rock on him Giles Corey pressed to death last words More Weight if you floated in a river then you so evil the water doesnt want to absorb you If you sink you arnt one 1 3 nipples makes you a witch 1 to have witches suck from it random bumps on body so how can you tell 2 said above 3 touch test having a fit accused person and she touches the girl if she gets better she is a witch if she doesnt then shes not a witch best one was a horrible confession worried about convicting innocent people and having damaging testimony against them people changed there mind and said that they were told to say they were a witch if someone gets sick does that mean they are a witch the town can never recover from this causes the end for the society citation should be footnoted name of source and page number So 1Christopher Columbus 29 1 goes after the quote NEED FOOTNOTES No less then 4 no more then 6 NO FIRST PERSON 3rd person Cite Salem witch trials lecture 26 September 2011 this is how it should look UNDERLINE THESIS 1000 words no more then 1050 write down word count at and of document No Bib no cover paper no work cited No TITLE Just start paper Underline thises persuasive paper 9 28 11 Key Terms posted on Blackboard lot of people don t want to have kids because they don t have the money later on colonist have a desire for land Land Land Land Strong demand for land and labor which creates opportunities for people that work with there hands puritans extensive trade measures women had shorter life span then men because they die with complication of birth from the women so the man marries almost immediately since he doesn t know what to do with the kids Colonies of the 18th century North America huge explosion of population over 2 million colonist then people have lots of kids 8 9 children for one mom other pop immigration 33 of people are Africans 10 from England when before 9 10 colonist were england 1 5 is of African descent 1770 more then just england people Irish Scotland ect New England officially New England pop grows 6 times Still lacks behind everyone else on population why still dealing with the puritans not liking Quakers settlers leaving b c people want to get away from puritans Franklins Ann Hutchinson 17 children one of them Benjamin Franklin Boundary s of New england not much land left in north there are powerful Indian tribes West and North Deal with the french British cant really move so a lot of people leave Government decides to Sell land individual inseam of grants Money is what is holding communities together they need money to get by with there life Huge population that never happens again No Cash Crop in New England Look into lakes forest and ocean for there food Build Ships and Go fishing is how they get by Sold there extras to there neighbors crops Live stock one quarter of the wealth rely on imports merchants to supply metal ceramic good sugar tobacco Most wealthy people were shit holders so they made there own price Fishing big deal 1 3 of all exports live stocks and timber for ships West indians absorb about 2 3 of

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