Aftermath of the American Revolution Treaty of Paris 1783 Washington signs treaty with British ends the American Revolution 1 year and a half after battle at Yorktown Republicanism form of government which allowed for self government and against a strong centralized government State Constitutions States had a lot of power after the war because people didn t trust the federal government Can impeach public officials Term limits don t want politicians to get too much power Can tax citizens only states had that right Power to raise an army in their state Had bill of rights insured religious freedom press trial by jury Articles of Confederation it was a way for the states to be connected maintained that states had power still a congress o but no power to tax anyone had to beg states for money o still had right to declare war but had to go to states for troops o could not regulate trade and collect tariff o insured that there was never a strong federal government Problems with the Articles Maryland Financing was jealous that it couldn t claim land out West o wanted all the other states to give up all land in the West and then they d sign the Articles o Maryland needed help from other states because British was terrorizing Chesapeake Bay o Maryland gets military help and then they sign the Articles o America had printed money o They had borrowed money from European countries to buy supplies during war o At end of the war the debt was at 28 million o If U S couldn t pay back money no country would take them seriously o Decided that taxes would pay off debt o They placed a 5 import tax which all the states were supposed to collect o Rhode Island didn t collect because the Articles says there should be no tax o America enters depression o Great Britain says that America can t trade with their empires England Caribbean o Banks start to call people about their loans o Farmers hit the worst because the army bough food while the war was happening but when war was over no one bought food Shays Rebellion 1786 1787 o Daniel shay was a revolutionary war veteran His farm had debt He and other friends took over courts so debt hearings couldn t take place Washington sends militia no fighting o Shows that new U S could be broken up by rebellion before it ever started us U S Constitution James Madison Alexander Hamilton Dad had a lot of money got to sit around and learn languages Had plan in place to change government Born on the island of Nevis in the Caribbean can t be president Family experienced hard times had to work for a bank at 12 years old Hurricane hit island when we was in early teens wrote an article for a newspaper about it Family friends paid for him to go to college after reading article and realixing he was smart Joined army after getting out of college Believed that only men who ran a corporation could govern the central government and people no common men Constitutional Convention George Washington elected chair Key Features of the Constitution 55 men met in the same building that the declaration of independence was made Everything was done in secrecy closed all blinds in building Most of the younger generation were for central government Written by James Madison Congress would have house of representatives and senate based on number of people in Senate would be chosen by state legislature because needed business people that could Would be council of revision president and VP were supposed to veto bills that congress The Virginia Plan each state handle money put out The New Jersey Plan Smaller states got together and were afraid that larger states would run new government Wanted to keep o Articles of confederation o Maintain congress o Allow power to tax The Connecticut Compromise Established electoral college o safety net between common American people and president o ensured that if wrong person won president could step in and change results House of representatives based on population Senate 2 from each state 3 5 compromise o Southerners wanted higher population o Didn t want north implementing tariff on imported goods The Federalist Why country needed constitution James Madison and Alexander Hamilton Enough to convince people Bill of rights that can never be taken away Bill of Rights Freedom of religion speech press Early Political Parties George Washington 1788 1796 During his term the first parties being to develop He was elected with electors no popular vote Was the only president to win every vote in the electoral college Set up different departments Inaugurate in NYC capital of the US at the time Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury Loose interpretation of constitution Supports British when France and Great Britain got to war Tariff Act of 1798 Hamilton proposed Encourages production in the US Tax on imports 5 15 Report on the Public Credit Hamilton proposed US would pay off debt with 4 interest Report on Bank of the United States Hamilton proposed Wanted a national bank available for business loans Have branches oversees for Americans abroad Jefferson didn t think that the constitution allowed for a bank Thomas Jefferson Secretary of state Innovator and intellectual Supports French revolution Supports French when French and British got to war Strict interpretation of the constitution only things allowed would be what was written in the constitution Democratic Republican Clubs Jefferson s followers Didn t want a federal government Strict interpretation of the government Whiskey Rebellion 1794 Whiskey was a trading commodity Hamilton urged congress to impose tax on whiskey to get rid of debt People began to stop tax collectors Hamilton tells Washington and he sends out soldiers people confused because it was a 7 000 gathered in Pittsburgh to protest tax o Jefferson was appalled that the government would use force against a peaceful peaceful protest protest o Jefferson worried that the country would split East Vs West John Jay Britain began bullying US kept troops in forts Britiain blockaded French coastline o Any ship that went to France was captured John Jay was supposed to go to Britain to tell them to get out of U S and to stop blockade and compensation for slaves in the south Jay s Treaty 1795 After Jay went to Britain o told him they would only compensate when British loyalists were compensated o not going to stop blockade o but going to get out of forts but really didn t Jefferson s supporters very upset by treaty XYZ Affair France began taking ships from the U S 3
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