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Exam 3 Notes Us History Missed Class Monday Racist Abolitionists o Believed slavery was wrong o But didn t want freed slaves living in the states o American Colonization Society o Don t believe in equality Don t want the white race to become mixed with blacks Equality Abolitionists o Slaves should be freed and given rights of American citizens o William Lloyd Garrison o Frederick Douglas Containment Two close acquaintances until W L G introduces break away theory F D believed the only way to end slavery is to keep pressure on the government o Abraham Lincoln o Believe slavery is legal therefore it can t be forcefully done away with o Must be a constitutional amendment o Want to confine slavery to southern states where it will eventually outgrow its usefulness and diminish itself o Don t think anything can legally be done about it because it s in the constitution Abolitionist Split o Liberty Party Third party 1840 James G Birney Want slavery banned in Washington D C o Change their name to Free Soil Party 1848 Liberty Party Conscious Whigs Democrats Martin Van Buren and Charles F Adams Combination of the Equality Abolitionists under Frederick Douglas and the Containment group Taken over by the Republicans Most people became Republicans o Lincoln goes from Containment to racist abolitionists Finally ends up emancipating slavery wanted to help war position Wilmot Proviso 1846 o David Wilmot Pennsylvania politician Mexico during the war with plantations California 1848 o Wrote a Proviso said slavery could never exist in any of the land taken from o Wants to populate the area with free farmers so they don t have to compete o Gold discovered in California near Sacramento o Tried keeping it a secret but within a matter of days San Francisco was abandoned because everyone left to the hills to go look for gold o Had a population larger than Florida and several other states by 1849 they had 80 000 gold seekers o Petitioned to become a free state not allowing slavery Slave State Problems in 1850 o Balance in the Senate o House of Representatives o In 1789 Free states 62 Slave states 38 Free States 54 Slave States 46 Old Guard of the Senate o John C Calhoun Henry Clay and Daniel Webster Compromise of 1850 o Henry Clay said that California would be admitted as a free state o But New Mexico and Arizona will be open to the idea of slavery o Wanted to get rid of the slave trade in Washington D C Southwestern United States 1848 o Wanted Texas to be divided into several slave states o And give up claim on New Mexico and Colorado o In return Henry Clay promised to get rid of all their debt in doing so Texas didn t agree to this John C Calhoun secede o wanted California blocked o Tells Henry Clay if the South doesn t get what they want soon they are going to o Equality abolitionist o Said give the south what they want o Didn t want the unity of the United States to be ruined o basically he tried being the bigger man by giving in to the south in order to Daniel Webster keep peace Zachary Taylor o President o Disliked Henry Clay o Said California will become a free state as well as New Mexico o Was a slave owner from Louisiana republicans felt betrayed o Died of gastroenteritis Millard Fillmore became president Agrees to pass whatever to let congress be relived Stephen A Douglas July 1850 o Passes law that ends crisis California admitted into union free state Slave Trade prohibited in D C Texas gave up western Border o Stronger fugitive slave act Fugitive Slave Act 1850 Wanted to overrun state laws that protected fugitive slaves Under the F S A if you were a southerner who had a slave runaway you could obtain help from the U S Marshalls to help find your lost slave Meeting in Nashville o Southerners met to discuss recent conventions Florida under the Brits 1764 1783 o British took Florida from the Spanish It was almost completely deserted because almost all the Spaniards had left British divide into West Florida and East Florida Made it easier to govern the large area because it wasn t practical to go from one end to the other to govern the huge expanse o British start coming to Florida to take advantage of economic opportunity o Provide lumber for ships o Became major cattle producing area Andrew Turnbull o Realized Florida would be a prime crop state o Had the same climate as the Mediterranean Olives oranges citrus British Florida s economy o Mosquitoes spread malaria and yellow fever o New Smyrna 1768 Turnbull starts colony there Minorca Abandon it and move to St Augustine Seize Pensacola in 1781 o Spanish soldiers claimed Pensacola from the British Spain receives Florida at the end of the American Revolution o 1783 1821 The Second Spanish Period Andrew Jackson o Invaded Florida because the British o Invaded Pensacola to eliminate the British from giving the Indians weapons o Threatened to burn Pensacola to the ground o Invades again in 1818 Seminole Indians o Rough translation of a Spanish word meaning wildmen o Indians who fled to Florida o Lived by raiding white farms to steal cattle and food o Southern Georgia Andrew Jackson invaded Florida to attack the Seminole Indians Burned villages around what is now Tallahassee St Marks A J invades until they surrendered Attacked Pensacola again Almost started a war between Spanish and US because they were threatened by Andrew Jackson s power Adam s Onis treaty Spain sold Florida to the US Wanted Florida to have 2 capitals o Tallahassee was chosen as the only capital because it is half way between the panhandle and the peninsula Pensacola and St Augustine Treaty of Moultrie Creek o Seminoles given land between what is now Ocala and Central Florida o Given 5 000 a year for twenty years as a Seminole Indian o Given agricultural items to use Chief Osceola o A war leader of the Seminole tribe o Main voice telling the Seminoles not to surrender to the Americans o His mother was a Creek Indian and his father was a White man His white name was Billy Powell Second Seminole Indian War 1835 1842 o Chief Osceola led Indians to attack Americans o Dade s Massacre Over 100 soldiers killed o Osceola was captured and taken to a prison in North Carolina where he died in 1838 of pneumonia o The Seminoles were defeated because their crops were burned and during the winter they suffered due to famine etc 1 00 Seminoles escape to South Florida Some 3 800 surrendered Oklahoma o 1 500 American soldiers and sailors were killed during the Second Seminole War o Was one of the

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