Non academic and less overt functions of education Raise your hand to ask a question Helps social cohesion but has also been used to impose dominant cultural values on outsiders or minorities Education Social and cultural ideas and tools Having insu cient math skills to function in society 22 of population Did not have a basic functional set of reading skills Inability to read or write well enough to function in society 14 of population Basically just a quali cation Doesn t make you a master in the subject Usually need higher education if you want a job in your eld Education Process through which academic social and cultural ideas and tools are developed Latent Functions Functional Illiteracy Innumeracy Human Capital Knowledge and skills that make someone more productive and bankable Bachelor s Degree Socialization Hidden Curriculum Marxist Theories Sorokin Schools are sorting machines Tests for ability talent character Promote best students eliminate worst Critics argue sorting is not based only on merit Ultimately reproduces social inequality Coleman Report 1966 School resources had no e ect on student achievement Family background and peers did More Recent Findings Students in small 13 17 classes had fewer disciplinary problems higher test scores Test score rankings by school type Tracking Dividing students into di erent classes according to ability or future plans Low performing dropout prevention Dark Side of Tracking Schools are pawns of capitalism Teaching skills that maintain dominant subordinate workforce positions Catholic Private School social capital Secular Private School Public School Does not help students on the general track Privileged students more likely to be in college tracks Symbolic and interactional resources that people inherit and use to their advantage Education Cultural abilities or skills Playing a musical instrument Cultural objects you own or can access Having a musical instrument Educational Inequality Cultural Capital Forms of Cultural Capital Embodied Objecti ed Institutionalized Educational credentials Minor in German Not mutually exclusive categories IQ Test Race Ethnicity Black White Achievement Gap Explanations Genetic di erences in intelligence Stereotype Threat SAT ACT Admissions Equation African Americans and Hispanics Asian Americans Envoy Embassy Oarsman Regatta Martyr Massacre Referee Tournament Runner Marathon Only would know the answer if you had been exposed to open sea boating Cultural social class aspect Score lower on cognitive achievement tests SATs Have higher rates of being left back suspended and expelled Have higher GPA s math scores and college attendance Di erences in socioeconomic status SES by race Fear of being accused of acting white Much evidence against genetic explanation When members of a stigmatized group are placed in a situation where they fear they may con rm those stereotypes Test was the same only thing that mattered was the three words said at the beginning Always going to be someone who proves the stereotype doesn t mean it s always true Tell a group high status group they will perform better Opposite is true as well Predicts college outcomes but only for white students Scores associated with race ethnicity and SES Predictive power of SAT comes from correlation with family background High school GPA e ect SAT score e ect Probability of graduating college Adding other factors make the signi cance of the SAT score lower SES e ect Education Family background matters signi cantly but not in the moral way that people think A lot of other factors that determine Family puts a lot of e ort into what you re going to do Many individuals bypass their families Everyone has the ability to analyze information in daily life and make your own conclusions Can ask critical questions of yourself and of the institution you re involved in
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