Introduction to Sociology SOCI201 Module 1 What is Sociology and How Do We Do Sociology Chapters 1 and 2 Reciprocity principle people like others who like them more attached to the men who liked them a lot than to the men who like them an average amount Uncertain condition results were consistent with research on the pleasures of uncertainty those in the uncertain condition were most attracted to the men Even more attracted than were the participants who were told that the men liked them Uncertain participants reported thinking about the men the most and this increased a lot liked them even more their attraction to them More attracted to the men than the women who were told the men liked them a lot Level on not really knowing increased their attraction Develop a Definition of the Situation Irving Goffman major psych theorist What s going to happen here What am I supposed to do What will people around Sociology Basics me do We don t like uncertainty The definition of the situation how we define the situation how we understand what s going to happen is based on our understanding of the Social Statuses represented by the people in the room including ourselves AND the Social Context Social Statuses where you stand on the social hierarchy certain types of traits attributes help contribute to our status higher or lower race fashion Context how long have we known this person friend of so and so where are we etc environmental cues surroundings define what we are going to expect Social Statues recognized social positions students and professor woman and man old and young black and white what we know what we are taught They come with expected behaviors To the extent that we can define people s statuses we pull from our previous experience and knowledge certain expectations of their behavior It helps us hot cognition use it quickly happening in our brains unpacking the folders of previous experiences and knowledge move through our social activities Example research shows that students expect female professors to be more nurturing and friendly than male professors Older professors are assumed to be more out of touch with today s culture than are younger professors Gender stereotypes women more nurturing Youth has higher value in society closer tie to what s happening hip Where do we get these expectations Defining our Situation we take all cues about people s social statuses into account What if you were the only person of your race ethnicity or gender in a classroom How would you behave Do others determine our behaviors o Cooley s Idea Looking Glass Self we perceive ourselves as others perceive us use others as a mirror to understand more about ourselves how we see ourselves o Social distance sharing of social statues We create distance between those that aren t as similar to us those we don t want to be apart of we push them aside and create social distance use others to help define ourselves In and Out behavior Social Context while social statuses may remain the same to some extent which social status they draw from changes with the location or environment Professor student when student goes to professors office hours professor has higher social status but if professor goes to restaurant and student is the professors waiter student has higher social status in that social context Professor acts different with students than with his supervisor dean or the president based on social context Visual cues to define social statuses of those around us what we re wearing shoes race hair cut jewelry we use this to asses an individual s social status Aural cues pitch of your voice tone of your voice Don t turn in all assignments professors tone gets angry and harsher Social Statuses are recognized social positions where do they come from and how do they become recognized Certain races and certain genders have higher status in our society opinions are reproduced through generations and through stereotypes and racism and how we are socialized through family education system media friends faith Can a social status be blurred or altered How What makes it difficult It can be difficult more solidified ones like race gender age but others like tattoos negative connotation those with tattoos had low social status and criminals are related with tattoos but change in artistry and tattoo renaissance idea has been blurred to an extent those with high socioeconomic status have tattoos Micro Level social interactions individuals groups classrooms families sorority house Meso Level universities corporations hospitals cities larger scale Macro Level political system economic systems health care systems global systems Does Biology and Physiology play a part yes how we interact and look at things Assignment 1 what is something that goes on that you have always thought about I wonder why we do that particular law Why we interact in a certain way Tradition Shake hands Pick aspect on each level that interests us one for each and why Explore it why do we think we do it or why do we think it happens Couple paragraphs about a page Sociology is the systematic and scientific study of human behavior social groups and society Structural and institutional forces that shape our everyday lives behaviors and social Are there no individuals Can individuals social actors shape structural and institutional forces How values pg 2 Examples o Yes how micro impacts meso level and macro level social movements Sociological Imagination C Wright Mills aka Sociological Perspective We strive to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and external career of individuals Thought about individuals Sociological Imagination We can only understand individuals groups and societies when we recognize hat they are part of a social context o Which shapes their opportunities and circumstances I can buy carrots because I can afford carrots I go to the gym because I have the money and time to do that where others might need to work multiple jobs to provide for themselves or families may not be able to do that and don t have those opportunities because their circumstances are limiting and constraining What are some examples social conditions o Conditions dictate a behavior it s not always a persons fault o There s a reason women make less money than men Sociology Basics How does society work and what are the implications for policies procedures and programs Applied sociology affect groups nations etc We see the
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