Theoretical Explanation of crime and deviance Robert Merton Strain Theory people engage in deviance when there is a strain between goals and 10 11 2013 means 5 modes of adaption 1 Conformist accept goals and means will work harder not deviant 2 Innovtor accept goals but reject means turn to crime cheat on exam 3 Ritualists reject goals but accept means major cant find job Wal Mart 4 Retreatist reject goals and means drop out alcoholic hippy homeless 5 Rebellion replace goals and means new goals and new means Differential Association Theory people learn deviance through association with deviant peers don t hang out with bad kids Broken Windows Theory People are more likely to commit greater crimes if they get away with the first offense if people don t care about the little crime people will do bigger ones Labeling theory deviance is consequence of external judgments that modify a persons self concept sometimes other people will label differently for the same thing What is Deviance any behavior drinking too much belief Goths or situation unwedmother that violates social norms time to time and from group to group Who defines deviance social situations and social structure relative varies from place to place Crime violation of law that is punishable with fines jail and other sanctions Crime rates in the U S since 1990 the trend has been towards LOWER crime rates Social Control techniques and strategies that regulate behaviors eliminate or reduced crime Punishment to deprive a person of things of value 4 goals 1 Retribution premise that punishment should fit the crime 2 Deterrence instilling a fear of punishment you see what happens when someone commits a crime so you don t do it drugs 3 Rehabilitation reforming the offender to prevent later offenses 4 Societal Protection unable to commit additional crime Functionalist deviance and crime are normal parts of the social structure Affirms culture values and norms Emile Durlcheim There is nothing abnormal about deviance without evil there is not good Anomie normlessness condition in which people are unsure of how to behave because of absent conflicting or confusing social norms could lead to suicide Conflict Focus on why some acts are defined as deviant and others aren t power groups control the law higher social class will not have offense Types of Crime Cyber Crime illegal activities conducted on line Corporate Crime illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf Organized Crime business supplying illegal goods or services for profit Victimless Crime exchange of illegal goods or services among adults prostitution pot gamboling Recidivists Previous offenders who commit new crimes only method they know Stereotype Generalization applied to every person in a particular category USA math sports Race Socially constructed category of people who share biological traits Ethnicity Socially defined bases on ancestry culture heritage Amish Minority Distinguished by physical or cultural difference that a society subordinates not 2010 racial ethnic population percent Race and Ethnicity dancing 99 9 of the same DNA mathematical White 64 Latino 16 African American 12 Asian 5 Native American Other 1 2050 Projections White 47 Latino 29 African American 15 Asian 9 Native American Other 71 Prejudice unfair generalization about an entire category of people positive or negative usually negative at top Positive class assignment chose Asian people bball team pick all Aferican Americans Social Distance Scale Emory bogardus to measure prejudice College students today 1 Greater social acceptance 1920 1930 African American at bottom now 2 See less difference between minorities 3 Terrorist attacks reduced acceptance of Arabs and Muslims Discrimination unequal treatment of various categories of people Prejudice is an attitude Discrimination involves action Racism belief that one race is supreme and all others are inferior Racism increased today AP 51 express explicit anti black attitudes in 2012 48 in 2008 White privilege Peggy Mclntosh advantage enjoyed by white persons beyond the common advantage of all others white people take advantage Scapegoat theory prejudice toward group in order to vent their anger Authoritarian personality theory prejudice is a personality trait in some individuals Culture theory culture has thought us to view people as better or worse than others marry someone in the same ethnic group Conflict theory prejudice used as a tool to oppress others Functionalist Assimilation minorities gradually become absorbed in dominant culture Pluralism all races are distinct but have equal social standing encourages Segregation physical and social separation of people forces Symbolic Interactionist will reduce prejudice Contact hypothesis in cooperative circumstances interracial contact between people of equal status Genocide deliberate systematic killing of racial ethnic group holocaust 1 Latino largest U S minority Most live in SW 16 13 have college degree 2 African American 12 significant gains since 1960 some still disadvantage today medium income lowest in U S 3 American Indians concentrated in the SW 1 6 most disadvantage group 4 Asian Americans 5 model minority high income education 5 Middle Eastern American most are Muslim tend to be better educated and wealthier than Gender socially constructed differences between females and males it is learned based on cultural other Americans expectations Sex biological characteristics Gender learned attitudes behaviors Gender role attitudes and activities that are appropriate for each sex Stereotype expectations on how people will act based on their sex Sexism belief that one sex is superior to the other usually toward females Patriarchy social organization in which male dominate females Doing gender wearing mid thigh shorts guys cant expected gender role How do we do femininity through famous people media pictures taught to value their appearance How do we do masculinity deep voice no make up How do we learn gender Family is it a boy or a girl language that s my girl toys household chores Peers Males athletics risks defying norms Females thin attractive popular Teachers Gender bias favoritism of one gender over another boys more structural time called on more boys will be boys attitude girls have higher grades though Mass Media Men in charge working or playing outside Women domestic tasks in ads being young beautiful and seductive 10 11 2013 10 11 2013
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