Race 04 08 14 Ham s descendants cursed because his sons walked in on him changing A group of people who share a set of characteristics typically but not always physical ones Said to share a common blood line Concept of race has some biological element but also attached to social characteristics Race is a Myth Concept of race is largely socially constructed Race The Early Days Race in the early modern world was often based on biblical or religious de nitions of race Got di erent de nitions depending on where you were European explorers explained the genetic di erences by interweaving them into their holy scriptures Africans descend from the Ham cursed in Genesis 9 Scienti c Racism The Enlightenment moved the world towards SCIENCES and the western de nition of race adjusted accordingly Scienti c Racism describes theories of race from the 18th century Theories linked racial di erences to biological explanations rather than biblical ones Physical features were the most common biological element Phrenology Inferior race to the Europeans always referred to as drunken monkeys Cultures create this Social Darwinism Eugenics 20th Century Anti Semitism Science of head bumps Shape and bumps on one s head were linked to psychological temperament Leading pseudoscience in the 1800 s Dr Gaul became a sensation Mark Twain was a great debunker Walt Whitman great supporter Originally was a manual pseudoscience Machine build to read bumps on heads prints out overview of personality Got linked to race really quickly Pseudoscience that links social and psychological temperament to bloodlines H H Goddard argued that immigrants were lesser than native born Americans due to their test scores Nativism gained social support during this period 19th century into the early 20th century Essentially the idea that saw humans in the same way that breeders saw dogs Survival of the Fittest All races same species Some races were more evolved better t to survive or rule others Hatred discrimination of the Jews Brings about some shifts in the common classi cations of race Desirable traits passed on when you breed two certain humans together Leads to racial classi cation based on skull measurements Race 04 08 14 Nazi s update eugenics and bring back classi cation by racial measurement in order to identify Jews The belief that one drop of black blood made a person black Tied to laws related to miscegenation the interbreeding of people considered to be of di erent racial types Multicultural marriage Dated politically charged term Laws against intermarriage overturned by Loving v Virginia 1967 In America in the mid 20th century they focused on hard lined di erences between races based on blood One Drop Rule Miscegenation Race or Ethnicity Often used interchangeable but are separate things Race Ethnicity The US has thousands of di erent ethnic groups Sometimes they are symbolic Externally imposed Involuntary Hierarchal Exclusive Unequal Voluntary Self De ned Non Hierarchal Fluid Cultural and Planar
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