Racial Realities All humans 99 9 genetically identical Race A group who share a set of characteristics usually physical and are said to share a common bloodline A social construct changing over time Racism Belief that separate races possess di erent and unequal human traits Many historical e orts to explain race were biased due to ethnocentrism Prejudice Discrimination Merton s Typology Harmful or negative acts against people deemed inferior based on race Negative thoughts and feelings about an ethnic or racial group Symbolic Ethnicity Individualistic in nature without real social cost Racialization Formation of a new racial identity in which new ideological boundaries of di erence are drawn around a formerly unnoticed group of people Muslim is not a race Most Arabs are not Muslims Most Arab Americans are Christians Whites Socially constructed Depends on historical period White Privilege Assumption Invisible set of advantages enjoyed by whites Modern white supremacists embrace research on white achievements but don t acknowledge privilege Income White neutral normal Non Discriminator DiscriminatorNon PrejudicedAll Weather LiberalReluctant LiberalPrejudicedTimid BigotAll Weather Bigot Racial Realities Educational Attainment by Race Most Asian migrants come for education
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