History 2620 Exam 3 study guide Remember that ANYTHING we ve discussed in class is fair game for the multiple choice and ID questions There will be 25 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each 5 identification significance questions worth 5 points each and 1 essay worth 25 points I Terms to know Employment Act of 1946 stability promote high employment and price o Truman o This was after WWII effort to maintain economic prosperity Council of Economic Advisors Created in 1946 helps president formulate the nation s economic policy Assesses the nation s economic health predicts future economic conditions and aids other executive agencies involved with economic planning President s Committee on Civil Rights o harry truman 1946 The committee was instructed to investigate the status of civil rights in the country and propose measures to strengthen and protect them sig to secure these rights called for elimination of all aspects of segregation Reconversion Truman s first priority the social and economic transition from wartime to peacetime Inflation a sustained increase in the average level of prices not just one single item 2 Robert A Taft Conservative Republican Senator from Ohio Denounced the New Deal as socialism said it damaged business interests and claimed it was giving Federal Government too much power Taft Hartley Act 1947 Curbed the growing power of Unions Made it much harder for unions to fight for better wages harder to go on strike allows the federal government to break up union run strikes Vetoed by trumann but was passed anyway closed shop A business enterprise in which employees must belong to the union before they can be hired and must remain in the union after they are hired union shop An organization in which a worker is not required to be a member of the union to be hired but must become a member within a certain period of time after being employed right to work union a doctrine that employees can work a job without being forced to join a labor Taft Tax Reduction 1947 Taft and his Republicans wanted to reduce taxes and cut federal spending 1948 Congress overrode third veto and the tax cut became law National Security Act 1947 problem Cold War goal deterrence keep USSR influence away and military was not equip for this problems procedures executive agreements NSC memoranda 3 institutions Department of Defense CIA NSC signed by truman Reorganized the US Armed Forces and foreign policy after WWII Dixiecrats The Dixiecrat party was a segregationist populist socially conservative part party of the Democratic Party in the mid 20th century who were determined to protect what they saw as the Southern way of life against what they perceived as an oppressive federal gov Strom Thurmond Southern Conservative governor senator and creator of the Dixicrat Party Strove to conserve segregation and ran for president in 1948 on a segregation platform o Fair Deal a statement made by Truman in which he said he would give every part of the population a Fair deal supported civil rights proposed a nation healthcare bill none of this ever happened Extension of new deal Desegregation of the Army During Korean War President Truman desegregated the army because of man power shortages Military was 1st profession to experience integration Adlai Stevenson During a UN meeting forcefully and directly asked Soviet Union if they had missiles on Cuba When Soviet representatives refused to answer he responded infamously I will wait until hell freezes over 4 Democratic candidate who ran against Eisenhower in 1952 Dwight D Eisenhower rep candidate 1952 Promises to 1 personally go to Korea negotiate 2 balance budget After elected he negotiates Says to negotiate or we ll use atomic weapons Signed treaty that Korea will be divided at the 49thparallel o Right back where it started the war was pointless He John Foster Dulles sec ofstate create Theory of Massive Retaliation US announce if threatened we d do everything possible in retaliation Communists return threat dynamic conservatism economic conservatism and political activism Supported business growth and small federal budgets Tidewater Oil Lands controversy over land on the shore of the gulf of mexico and on the pacific coast a few states were given the rights to shoreline 3 miles off the coast to do with as they choose Brown v Board of Ed 1954 overturned Plessy v Ferguson separate but equal schools kansas 1954 Earl Warren Chief Justice of the Supreme Court announced the Brown v Board of education decisions Thurgood Marshall Dedicated his life to fight against racism and was the lawyer for Brown v Board of Education and won 5 Mansfield TX 1956 attempt to integrate the high school in Mansfield students were met with racist taunts John Foster Dulles Secretary of State and the center of Eisenhower s foreign policy and spoke of rolling back communism instead of containing it Favored building more nuclear weapons only the threat of nuclear war would stop the Soviets Brinkmanship Massive retaliation massive retaliation Military doctrine based on a plausible standing threat of nuclear reprisal employed by the United States liberation active program to roll back Communism instead of containing them we ll liberate them John Foster Dulles Mutually Assured policy in which the United States and the Soviet Union hoped to deter nuclear war by building up enough weapons to destroy one another French Indochina The countries of Vietnam Laos and Cambodia were together called French Indochina The French divided Vietnam into three sections each was ruled in different ways Divide and conquer 6 Destruction 1954 Dien Bien Phu Region where Vietnam fought French Union Vietnam victory ended major French involvement in Indochina It was important because it inspired the US the increase support for France Hungarian Revolt 1956 Where Budapest Hungary What Hungarians revolted and overthrew Soviet military and police forces Inspired by Polish unrest and lack of happiness under Communist rule Hungarians asked for US help US would not intervene Popular movement established multi party system Soviets invaded and took over Hungary Geneva Summit 1955 Khrushchev Stalin s successor wanted peaceful coexistence with the U S Eisenhower agreed to a summit conference with Khrushchev France and Great Britain in Geneva Switzerland in July 1955 to discuss how peaceful coexistence could be achieved Open skies were proposed Civil Rights Act 1955 age guaranteed voter protection and outlawed
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