SOCL 2001 ALL NOTES FOR TEST 2 Table of Contents Networks and Organization Deviance Stratification Gender Gender and Sexuality P a g e 1 2 3 5 7 8 P a g e 2 Networks and Organization Simmel interested in psychology of pure numbers o Dyad group of two most intimate form of social life but possibly the least stable they are mutually dependent which means that if one person leaves the group the group no longer exists o Triad group of three or more you lose intimacy but it becomes more stable You can increase possible interactions or plot against a third person o Possible roles in a triad Mediator the conflict resolver Divide et impera one who purposefully breaks up others Tertius gaudens one who profits from others disagreement Difference between tertius gaudens and divide et impera is intention if it already existed One is divide et impera if they intentionally CAUSE a disagreement and tertius gaudens if the disagreement already EXISTED o Small groups single focus informal equality face to face they get together to do one thing Ex study group o Party groups same as small but multifocal You know when it becomes a party when groups start to break off and talk about different things o Large groups formal often have status differentiation Ex Large corporation Cooley o Primary groups family close friends Intimate face to face strong influence on social network o Secondary groups friends acquaintances Impersonal exist as means to an end Ex School project Other ways of sorting power out group doesn t o In group out group useful in describing groups with power inequality in group has o Reference groups useful for comparison define identity You compare yourself to other people to figure out who you are Ex State fair always different kinds of people you can find someone who s worse than you Social network o A set of ties between individuals o Tie set of stories explaining our relationship to each network member o Narrative sum of stories within a set of ties Ex College you have ties with many people and many sets of stories underneath this one category you call college o Embeddedness refers to the degree to which ties are reinforced through indirect paths Strength of weak ties o friend of a friend o Paradox relatively weak ties those not reinforced through indirect paths often tend to be quite valuable because they bring novel information o Explanation as to why who you know matters Social networks transfer resources o Going back and forth in your network P a g e 3 o Could be emotional resources time physical resources Social network analysis o Views social networks in terms of network theory consisting of nodes and ties o Ex Drawing out how many people you ve slept with Organizations o Social networks with a common purpose and structure o Have both structure and culture o Organizational culture the shared beliefs and behaviors within a social group o Organizational structure the ways power and authority are distributed in an o Information connections and skills that help individuals enter or gain power in organization Social capital networks Deviance Deviance any transgression of socially established norms Informal deviance minor violations o Ex Standing backwards in an elevator By watching we learn how to interact in certain settings Formal deviance crime Social control o Street crime committed in public i e not completely hidden circumstances and often associated with violence gangs poverty Amount of money property damaged usually pales in comparison to o White collar crime committed by a professional against a corporation agency or other business Ex Check fraud computer crime piracy bribery o Mechanisms that create normative compliance o Anything that pushes you to adhere to a social norm and follow the rules of group life o Ex A boy wears flowery pants to school and people laugh at him o Mechanisms for social control may not always work not always completely scripted o Ex Glaring at a slow person in the self check out It may make them go slower or mess up Informal social sanctions o Unspoken rules of social life o We are all simultaneously agents and objects of social order we are always judging and being judged o Awkwardness is what you usually get for breaking these o These are the foundations of formal social control Formal social sanctions o Rules laws expressly set forth by a society o Other people besides police enforce these regular people enforce them Ex Your friend in the car telling you not to speed P a g e 4 o They aren t uniform across social environments Ex Snitching Against the law to withhold information from the police but in some neighborhoods it s deviant to snitch Functionalist theories of deviance o Social cohesion How people form social bonds relate to each other and get along on a daily basis Mechanisms of social control are used to reinforce cohesion o Durkheim on social cohesion Collective conscience shared assumptions of how the world works How society is put together determines how collective conscience works Mechanical solidarity based on sameness society works because we re the same people share the same goals Organic solidarity based on difference and interdependence like a clock Deviance and social control Argues that either of these can lead to cohesion Making the violator suffer thus defining boundaries and strengthening the o Punitive justice mechanical collective tries to scare you o Rehabilitative justice organic o Crime reduction Deterrence theory Examines specific circumstances of deviants attempts to reform them Problem not everyone can be reformed Philosophy of criminal justice based on the notion that crime results from a rational calculation of its costs and benefits If you re scared of the cost of going to prison you won t commit a crime But criminals don t always calculate their actions other social factors besides the individual factor into decisions Recidivism Occurs when one who has been involved in the criminal justice system reverts back to crime Can happen because of labeling theory stigmas o Labeling theory o Stigma We notice how others see or label us Our reactions to those labels help form the basis of our self identity When someone sees us a certain way we tend to act that way Negative labels that change a person s self concept and social identity Sometimes there are serious consequences Ex Stigma about mental illness o Primary deviance First act of rule breaking Results in deviant label P a g e 5 Can go two ways you can stop the
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