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Chapter 1 Introduction to Psychology Week 2 Readings o Chapter 1 in our book Recordings o Introduction Ch 1 Wilhlem Wundt Structuralism Three early schools Gestalt Psychology Psychoanalysis o Sigmund Freud Behaviorism o John Watson B F Skinner William James Functionalism What is Psychology Science Behavior Mental Processes Chapter 2 Psychological Research Week 2 Readings o Chapter 2 in our book Recordings o Recorded Lectures Parts 1 10 Hindsight Bias Common Sense and problems with it The need for psychological science Why is research important Theory Hypothesis Test Research Process Research Empirical Questions How developed Are research questions completely objective Conceptual Variable and Operational Definition Research Designs Descriptive o Case Study Naturalistic Observation Survey Correlational o Correlation Coefficient Scatterplots Direction o Why does correlation not imply causation Experimental o Independent Variable IV o Dependent Variable DV o Control Variable CV o Random Assignment o Limits Replication Crisis What should a scientist always be Statistical significance Null hypothesis alternative hypothesis significance level p value common misunderstandings Replication crisis What went wrong File Drawer Problem Multiple Comparisons P Hacking What do we do Research Ethics IRB Informed Consent Deception Protect from harm Maintain confidentiality Debrief o Non human animal subjects The 3 R s Chapter 3 Biopsychology Week 3 Readings o Chapter 3 in our book Recordings o Recorded Lectures Parts 1 11 What is the basic question of biological psychology Phrenology Chromosomes DNA Genes Biopsychosocial Model Behavioral Genetics Twin studies for IQ Separated Twins and what it can show us about nature and nurture Spectacular Explanation Fallacy Evolutionary Psychology Misunderstandings Natural selection CritiquingtheEvolutionaryPerspective Neural Communication Sensory Afferent Neurons Motor Efferent Neurons Glial Cells Dendrites Cell Body Axon Myelin Sheath Terminal Branches How do neurons communicate Neurotransmitters o Acetylcholine ACh Dopamine Serotonin Norepinephrine Neural networks Nervous System Peripheral o Somatic o Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic Central The Brain o Spinal Cord Brian Methods and Tools of Discovery o Clinical Observation Lesions Transections Transcranial magnetic stimulation EEG fMRI Major Structures o Inner Brain Structures Do you know their locations The Brainstem Medulla Reticular formation Thalamus Cerebellum Limbic System Hippocampus Amygdala Hypothalamus o Cerebral Cortex Occipital Lobes visual cortex Temporal Lobes auditory cortex Wernicke s and Broca s Areas Parietal Lobes somatosensory cortex Sensory Cortex Motor Cortex Frontal Lobes Association Areas Experience and Brain Development Enriched environment Trained Brain Brain plasticity

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